Communication – final project outline

Week 3 – Final Paper Outline Instructions

This week’s assignment is the outline ONLY. The actual paper will be written in the coming weeks. 

Ø Read the assignment instructions for the Final Paper. 
Ø Develop an outline for your Final Paper writing in full sentences (12 point font, Times New Roman font, double spaced). 
Ø The outline must include: 
Ø At least one section for each of the five concepts (see instructions below) that you will use in your Final Paper and include supporting material for each concept. 
Ø Be sure to include a bibliography with at least two of the sources that you will use for your Final Paper. Please make sure that the sources that you use are listed in the APA format. 
Ø Your outline must include an introduction with a thesis statement and end with a conclusion that reaffirms the thesis.
Ø Cite your resources in text and on the reference page.

Week 5 – Final Paper Instructions

Imagine that you are proposing a new communication structure for an organization. Write a formal proposal in which you discuss at least five concepts that you feel are most important for successful communication within an organizational setting. Explain why these concepts are necessary for successful communication and how best to implement them within an organization.

Examples of concepts that you may choose to use are active listening, organizational culture, conflict resolution, key principles of human communication, leadership strategies, formal and informal communication, etc. – you can research others. 

Your information for this paper should not be based on your own opinions; you must back up your information with research. The research may include readings from this course or from outside sources. 

In total, your paper must include at least five sources with at least two from the Ashford University Library. 

This is a formal paper and should include proper grammar, complete sentences, appropriate paragraphs, and correct citations/references in proper APA style.

Along with explaining the communication concepts and including the research, you can also use your personal experiences to explain the research that you are presenting in your paper.

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