Clc powerpoint w6 | Nursing homework help


This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

Using the Center for Medicare website, groups will select a quality indicator as it relates to an exacerbation of a chronic disease in the acute care setting that is likely to affect the treatment of the patient population with neurological disorders. Search CMS for readmission regulations as well as core measures. Develop a treatment plan discussing the best way to safely manage a patient population in relationship to the quality indicator. Include the following information in your treatment plan:

1. Identify the quality indicator and explain its relationship to safe care for your patient population.

2. Discuss how the quality indicator affects the patient’s treatment plan both within and, if applicable, outside of the hospital setting.

3. Discuss the family’s role in advocating for and implementing safe care for the patient both within and outside of the hospital setting.

Present your treatment plan as a 7-10 slide PowerPoint presentation with your findings. Include slide notes (150-250 words for each slide in the speaker notes).

You are required to cite three to five sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

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