Art talk – ranissance in quattocento italy, medici patronage

Step 1 – Brunelleschi, Old Sacristy, 1418-21, San Lorenzo & the Nave of San Lorenzo, c. 1421-69 & Benozzo Gozzoli, Procession of the Magi, c. 1459, fresco, Palazzo Medici-Riccardi Chapel
Step 2 – The Medici family ruled Florence.  The restored & commissioned art & architecture.  The 3 images below are from 2 separate Medici commissions.  What makes this unique is that the church is down the street from their palace.

How did the Medici Family show their wealth & power through their commissions? 
What was their message to the Florentines or their wealthy friends that visited their chapel? 

If you need some help, review the Instructor PDF that refers to San Marco.

Step 3 – In order to get full credit, answer the question & then respond to a minimum of 3 other student postings with comments (see Guidelines for Art Talk and Ground Rules in your Syllabus).  Be sure to complete this Section before it  closes.  I cannot reopen a Section once it has closed.
Step 4 – Remember, the Discussions are separated into 3 Sections and close Weekly – on Sunday at 11:59 PM.  The closing day will always be the same during the semester.  This means that if Sunday is a holiday, please plan accordingly to complete the Discussion.  The Discussions are open for 1 week and no extra time is allowed.
Step 5 – Once a Discussion has closed, I will read & graded them – this may take a few days. Once graded, I will send an Announcement with the answers and a summation of what I read from your postings and comments. You will be able to see your grades in the Grades link after I have read/graded the Discussion.

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