Extra credit paper | English homework help
In this assignment, I want you to locate two pieces of news detailing how an organization is responding to the COVID-19 crisis. You will turn this assignment into me via a Word Document attached to a separate email titled “extra credit assignment, Your Name” with your actual name in the subject line so I know to save the email for grading.
You need to analyze how businesses are handling the current COVID-19 crisis and I want to see if you can track down a press release from the organization, an email to their stakeholders, or even a screenshot of their website in which they explicitly address the actions they are taking in light of this new world we find ourselves in. However, the screenshots, hyperlinks to news stories, etc. are only one component of the assignment, your analysis is far and away from the more important component. Once you have tracked down two examples of how a business/organization is responding to the COVID-19 crisis, I want you to tell me how effective you perceive its action to be. Use any of the vocabulary or concepts that we have learned thus far in the semester to support your analysis. For example, is the business/organization using appropriate new media platforms to reach stakeholders? Is communication timely? Is the organization’s tone sincere? What could have been done better? I am expecting one page, double-spaced for the length of your analysis, APA format. The images and or hyperlinks you compile will not be counted towards the length of your writing.