Matthew shepard was killed due to his sexual orientation. defend,

Please qualify Matthew Shepard’s death. And the thesis statement is-There is substantial evidence to support that Matt Shepard’s death was because of his sexual orientation. However, there is also a growing body of evidence that suggest Matt’s death was because of drug dealing and drug uses.


One gay rights activist argues that Henderson has paid his dues for what he described as being “in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“I think he has atoned. I think he has a contribution to make to society,” said Malcolm Lazin, executive director of the Philadelphia-based LGBT group Equality Forum and a former federal prosecutor.

Matthew Shepard, the gay college student who was kidnapped, robbed and pistol-whipped, died here today, five days after he was rescued from a Wyoming ranch where he had been left tied to a fence for 18 hours in near-freezing temperatures.

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