Reply 7 wr | Nursing homework help

Reply 7 wr | Nursing homework help.

 What are your thoughts about the role of women in Islam? 

According to Partridge (2018), Muslim men and women pray as equals in the eyes of God, and the contribution of each to community life is accepted equally by God. God devotes an entire chapter of the Quran, the holy book of Islam, to women. Besides, God directly addresses women repeatedly throughout the Quran. Although the spiritual equality of men and women has been traditionally agreed upon, society continues to stereotype and misconceive the role of women in Islam. Hence, God’s rules apply to both genders, but in diverse ways. For example, God commanded women to cover certain parts of their bodies, including their hair, to preserve their modesty. Men are also required to cover parts of their body out of modesty, but not in the same way as women. Therefore, God commanded both men and women to be modest; yet, how they observe it is different (Uchendu, 2020).

As can be seen, women’s rights, roles, and responsibilities are evenly balanced with men but are not necessarily the same. For some women, the veiling custom and house chores responsibilities can be exhausting, while others take them part of their culture. While many Americans consider Islam an oppressive religion concerning women, Muslim women often comment on the liberty and dignity they derive from their faith (Saeed & Atta, 2018). Many Muslim women explain that true Islam is frequently compromised by oppressive practices that have their roots in cultural differences or political expediency; general ignorance and lack of engagement with the diversity inherent within the tradition contribute to the perpetuation of these practices. Therefore, the true Islam beliefs about women role are non-discriminant and fair, but society customs and practice makes their role suppressed to their male counterpart. I believe that women possess spiritual equality in the Islam religion; however, they need to stand up for their role in society. Chores and rights should be equally divided in Islam society to improve the overall community balance.  


Partridge, C. (2018). A short introduction to world religions. Fortress Press

Saeed, A., & Atta, G. (2018). (7) Women’s Empowerment, working women and Islam. Al-Qalam23(1), 84-94.

Uchendu, E. (2020). 4. Women Taking Islam. In Islam in the Niger Delta 1890-2017 (pp. 153-201).


 What are your thoughts about the role of women in Islam? 

   Based on Islam, men and women are moral equals in God’s sight and are expected to fulfill the same duties. The common belief is that Islamic women are oppressed by their religion, forced to wear head coverings. They are the property of their husbands with no rights and incapable to take any independent action. Islam has empowered the role of women with the most progressive rights and privileges since the 7th century. The women rights, roles and responsibilities in the Islamic world have evolved. In Islamic society, women participate actively in government, public affairs, scholarship, and teaching. One of the most influential scholars of Islam was Muhammad’s wife, Aisha. For instance, al-Qarawiyin Mosque and University, the oldest running university, was funded by a woman, Fatima al-Fihri, in Morocco in 859 C.E. Women serve, and lead different aspects of the community. In my opinion the stigma that follows Islamic women is not an accurate one. They are more influential that many people realize, and they have the potential to make a difference in their communities by taking leadership positions. They are called upon to serve god just as much as men are expected too.


Amir, K. (2019, October 30). MedCrave.


Reply 7 wr | Nursing homework help

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