Transportation | English homework help

Transportation | English homework help.

1. (2 pts) How are the U.S. interstate highways numbered? (hint: from west to east, south to north, even/odd, descending/ascending order)? What’s the one/two/three-digit system? Is the interstate highway number unique, meaning there is only one number in one place?2. (0.5 pt) Enumerate four functional classifications of highways.3. (0.5 pt) Does the local road represent the largest or smallest percentage of U.S. highway mileage?4. (2 pts)1) What is the full name of MPO? 2) Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1962 required the formation of an MPO for any urbanized area with a population greater than _____? 3) How many MPOs are there in the U.S.? 4) What’s the MPO for the Greater Los Angeles Metropolitan Area?5. (1 pt) List the name of the six county transportation commissions in Southern California. For example, LACMTA is the county transportation commission for LA County. What about the other five counties? (Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, Ventura, Imperial)6. (1 pt) Summarize MAP-21 in one paragraph.7. (1 pt) Summarize FAST in one paragraph. (Date, amount, scope, etc.)8. (1 pt) Summarize SB-1 in one paragraph. (Date, amount, scope, etc.)9. (2 pts)1) How much do we pay for federal gas tax and state gas tax in cents/gallon in California?2) What’s the ranking of the California state gas tax in the whole U.S.? 10. Watch the video and FAQs at, then answer:1) What’s Connect Socal? (1pt)2) What is included in Connect Socal? (1pt)3) Why is our region so congested? (1 pt)4) What are your thoughts on how to relieve traffic congestion? (1pt)

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