Discussion 05: written vs. face-to-face | HA4300D-Healthcare Management and Supervision | National American University

Discussion 05: written vs. face-to-face | HA4300D-Healthcare Management and Supervision | National American University.

HA4300D – Healthcare Management and Supervision

Discussion 05: Written vs. Face-to-Face

Note: Keep in mind some situations are best communicated in writing while others are best communicated face-to-face.

From your experience and/or readings, think of three issues a health care supervisor may face on a daily or weekly basis.  Post those three issues in the discussion board, but do not duplicate issues from another student.  Review the issues posted by your classmates and state whether you would use face-to-face or written communication to address the issue. Make sure to provide your rationale and a statement of why the alternative would not be appropriate.

Umiker’s Management Skills for the New Health Care Supervisor–Vitalsource [email protected]#magicMAN61

Discussion 05: written vs. face-to-face | HA4300D-Healthcare Management and Supervision | National American University

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