Week 1 discussion 1 | English homework help

Week 1 discussion 1 | English homework help.

 Topic for all assignments this month:
  On Auto Pilot: Self-Driving Cars 
Word limit: 50 words minimum, each 
All of the work we will do in this class will lead up to a final paper. So, before we start brainstorming, we should review the final paper assignment:
Our lecture for this week noted that academic writing is about entering a conversation. You’ll notice that the articles that are broken up into the different topics listed above. So, your first duty is to look through the topics and decide which one you find most interesting. It would be wise to actually read an article from each section before making your choice. Your paper will be better if you genuinely feel like you have something to add to the conversation.
Once you have decided,  for sure, which section that you want to respond to, read all of the articles in that section.  
Which article in the section did you react to the most?
Which did you agree with the most?
Which did you disagree with the most?
If you were to join the conversation that the authors are having,  what points would you want to bring up?
Try to answer some of these questions in this forum.  This forum is just a place to do some exploring with the hope that you might eventually figure out a claim to write about;  although,  right now it is not important that you come to any concrete claims.  Just share your thoughts and questions on the readings.  You professor and classmates will try to help you develop an argument from your initial exploratory thoughts.  

Week 1 discussion 1 | English homework help

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