Synthesis matrix for secondary research report
Synthesis matrix for secondary research report.
A synthesis matrix is a table that can be used to organize research. When completed, it provides a visual representation of main ideas found in the sources and also shows where there is overlap in ideas between authors. It is designed to force us to properly use our research sources.It will help you ensure you are have supporting information for each area of focus within your document and where there may be gaps that need to be filled in.Using a synthesis matrix will also help you avoid a “data dump” in your report as it will help you to synthesize the information you have found.
Using the Synthesis Matrix for your Secondary Research Report. . .
Include a list of your sources.
As you read, use the grid to take notes.Note similar views and differing views.
You don’t have to enter something from every source. Some themes/topics might pertain to only 1 source.