Strategic management action plan | Nursing homework help

Strategic management action plan | Nursing homework help.


Introduction: For your project in this unit, you will be developing what is known as a strategic management action plan (MAP). When all the strategic planning is done, it is time for management action planning based upon our strategies. This is where many healthcare organizations of all types fall short. The same level of effort that went into creating the strategic plan needs to continue as we take action, measure progress, and reassess over time. Management action planning is a step-by-step approach developed to help healthcare leaders plan the action steps that will lead to positive change for our organizations.

The strategic plan sets the direction for us, and our MAPs get the work done, turning strategy into reality. Developing a MAP is a seven-step process, and you will actually be practicing this MAP process as you create your project. Refer to the steps in your textbook, Chapter 10, pp. 407–412, for guidance. Some suggested MAP topics are provided here, and you are certainly free to propose your own topic. Perhaps you will choose something that truly needs to be addressed in your own organization. You may even find the MAP to be a valuable tool as you lead your own organization.

Suggested health care subjects include the topics listed below. Please select one of these topics, or a topic of your own choosing. Focus on identified problems and improvement opportunities, key issues for planning, and implementation via your MAP components.

Strategic management action plan | Nursing homework help

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