P4tw-requesting help to write a one page cover note(memo) and cell

P4tw-requesting help to write a one page cover note(memo) and cell.

You own a small new-and-used book store and café with free wireless Internet access. You enjoy the calm, quiet atmosphere of your store and like that your customers choose your store to conduct business, socialize with friends, or just enjoy a good book and a cup of coffee.
 Increasingly, many customers have been talking on their cell phones – very loudly and in places where they shouldn’t be. They hold up the order line by talking on the phone when they should be talking to the cashier. They disrupt others who are enjoying the quiet atmosphere to work or read. Sure, customers who are working on the computer may need to talk on the phone, but must these customers be so loud and disruptive that those across the room who are trying to read can hear their conversations?
 Many customers have actually complained. You want to make these customers happy but not at the expense of making your cell phone users unhappy.
Write a cell phone use policy for your store. This policy will be displayed throughout the store.Attach to your solution a cover note explaining where and how the notice will be distributed.This cover note is only for the employees of your cafe. 
The cover note must be no more than one-page and the cell phone policy must preferably be just a few sentences. Be creative with your words.
Remember: This project has 2 parts – the cover note is like a memo (remember the formatting of a memo) and the policy is like a banner/sign (be creative and colorful here – it needs to be catchy).

P4tw-requesting help to write a one page cover note(memo) and cell

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