Nr283 pathophysiology | Nursing homework help
Nr283 pathophysiology | Nursing homework help.
PurposeThis project is an in-depth investigation of a health condition. It will allow for the expansion of knowledge and the ability to generalize larger concepts to a variety of health conditions.
Ebook: Hubert, R. & VanMeter, K. (2018). Gould’s pathophysiology for the health professions (6th ed.). Elsevier.
Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.
1. Explain the pathophysiologic processes of select health conditions. (PO 1)
2. Predict clinical manifestations and complications of select disease processes. (PO 1, 8)
3. Correlate lifestyle, environmental, and other influences with changes in levels of wellness. (PO 1, 7)
APA format (7th ed.) and is free of errors
Grammar and mechanics are free of errors free of Plagiarism
References: Use your book, the outside source must be within the last 5 yrs, Scholarly Articles,s or Nurse journals within the last 5 yrs.