Critical analysis “how it feels to be colored me” by Zora Neale: Literature Best Essay Week 1

Critical analysis “how it feels to be colored me” by Zora Neale: Literature Best Essay Week 1.

how it feels to be colored me

how it feels to be colored me

how it feels to be colored me

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Think. Write (to think further). Analyze the writing and the essay for how/why it works and what it accomplishes. This is separate from whether you like or don’t like the essay, and separate from whether you think the essay is “good” or “bad”.

how it feels to be colored me

Do not retell the author’s content, or argue with them about their subject. Analyze the writing, the way the essay fits together or works, and the effects the essay achieves or is supposed to achieve. Conventions (shared rules) of critical analysis include: Write in the third person (academic voice) unless instructed otherwise. Include the author’s full name and the title of the essay you are analyzing in the first paragraph of your essay. Thereafter, refer to the author by last name only.

how it feels to be colored me

Your essay should have a thesis on the writing/essay examined, supported by points you develop in discussion, and should offer evidence from the essay in quotes, paraphrases, and through specific subject/content or summary references documented in correct MLA form. Authors make choices writing essays. Those choices include audience, purpose, thesis (subject, author’s attitude toward the subject), genre and rhetorical approaches, the author’s bias (attitude or point of view)and tone(diction, word choice, or overall description), voice, and style.

how it feels to be colored me

Besides these basic choices, a student can analyze organization or structure, the flow of words, sentences, and paragraphs, or the author’s message as developed from the thesis in supporting points and their discussion/development, and the kind, use, and credibility of evidence used by the author. For this assignment, authors: “How It Feels to Be Colored Me” by Zora Neale Hurston. You may pursue an analysis we developed in class, or you may choose your own critical focus to develop. Support your analytic points with quotes from the essay as evidence

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Critical analysis “how it feels to be colored me” by Zora Neale: Literature Best Essay Week 1

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