nursing 22
Case study two: influenza | Nursing homework help
Case study two: influenza | Nursing homework help.
Objectives / Topics for Case Study
- Develop a clear understanding of measures needed to ensure coordination between public health and law enforcement agencies, and between federal and state/local agencies, during the pre-event phase of an influenza pandemic.
- Acquire knowledge about the coordination of public health and law enforcement in declared emergencies.
- Understand the legal authorities of public health, law enforcement, and other agencies available for implementing pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions in both declared and undeclared public health emergencies.
- Recognize how implementation of selected interventions such as isolation, quarantine, restriction of movement, closure and cancellation of public places or events will be coordinated between public health and law enforcement agencies.
- Develop a clear understanding of plans for ensuring continuity of operations between public health and law enforcement agencies during the event phase of an influenza pandemic.
- Identify essential criteria and approaches for assessing agencies’ preparedness for an influenza pandemic.
- Identify basic personal protective measures and knowledge that will allow law enforcement personnel to function effectively in a pandemic setting
- Complete each question in the case study. It is recommended to answer each question in sequential order since you are performing an outbreak investigation.
- You can use classroom or online resources to answer the questions, such as CDC or local health departments.
- You can answer the questions directly in the Word Document (attached to assignment). Please save your file as LastName_FirstName_PBHE426_Case Study 2.
- Please put your name in the document header.
- Submit your completed assignment in the Classroom Assignment – Case Study Two.
- This assignment is to be completed individually.