Anotated bibliography | Nursing homework help

Anotated bibliography | Nursing homework help.







Level 4

Level 3

Level 2

Level 1


5 points

( 5 points)

Includes 3 relevant articles

4 points

( 4 points)

Includes 2 relevant articles

3 points

( 2-3 points)

Includes 1 relevant article

1 point

( 0-1 point)

Articles are not from CINAHL nor PubMed


30 points

( 21-30 points)

Identifies purpose of study, key concepts, variables, and outcomes

20 points

( 11 – 20 points)

Lacks one or two items such as purpose of study, key concepts, variables, or outcomes

10 points

(2-10 points)

Lacks two or more items such as purpose of study, key concepts, variables, or outcomes

1 point

(0-1 point)

Does not address purpose of study, key concepts, variables, or outcomes


30 points

(21-30 points)

Accurately states implications for both nursing research and practice


20 points

(11-20 points)

Does not accurately state implications for nursing research or practice


10 points

(2-10 points)

Lacks implications for both nursing research and practice

1 point

(0-1 point)

Does not state implications for nursing research, nor for practice.


30 points

(21-30 points)

Summarizes the usefulness of the study and how it expands the student’s knowledge base

20 points

(11-20 points)

States the usefulness of the study; gives limited information on how it expands the student’s knowledge base

10 points

(2-10 points)

Provides minimal statement on the usefulness of the study or how it expands the student’s knowledge base

1 point

(0-1 point)

Offers little or no information on the usefulness of the study or how it expands on the student’s knowledge base

APA, Spelling, Organization& Grammar

5 points

(5 points)

Expertly applies APA guidelines in formatting and referencing; exhibits excellent spelling and grammar throughout the paper; is well organized and easy to read

4 points

(4 points)

Applies APA, but exhibits one or two formatting or referencing mistakes; has some spelling and grammar errors; is generally well written and easy to read, with minimal organization problems

3 points

(2-3 points)

Includes more than two APA and/or referencing mistakes; has some spelling and grammar errors; is generally well written and easy to read, with minimal organization problems

1 point

(0-1 point)

Has many APA, spelling, and/or grammar mistakes throughout the paper; is difficult to read; may be ineffectively organized

Overall Score

Level 4
69 or more

Level 3
37 or more

Level 2
6 or more

Level 1
0 or more

Anotated bibliography | Nursing homework help

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