Access controls | English homework help

Access controls | English homework help.

Discussion:Access controls
Describe configuring windows firewall.
Describe managing linux accounts.
APA format. Minimum 300 words 
Discussion: Security architecture and design
If the maker of antivirus software wants to be successful, the software has to be as close to bulletproof as the maker can possibly make it. Nothing is perfect; we certainly should understand at this point that no software can be proven bug free and that no security posture is 100% risk-free. Based on this statement, what do you think it could be better to improve the antivirus software? How safe do you feel to use antivirus software in your organization, and what other precautions do you use to prevent virus, malware, etc.? 
APA format. Minimum 400 words 
Portfolio: Security architecture and design
Students will be required to create a portfolio related to work experience in IT or cybersecurity. Submit a file that outlines any projects you have worked on as a student or professional that may influence a hiring manager or company to hire you.  
Topic: Experience Portfolio
APA format. Minimum 600 words 
Assignment: Security architecture and design
Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.
Since it is so dangerous, why would designers install software into the kernel at all (or make use of kernel software)? If you were an antivirus designer or maker, what other methods do you utilize to prevent virus?
APA format. Minimum 600 words 

Access controls | English homework help

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