1000 words research paper about moving images (apeshit by the

1000 words research paper about moving images (apeshit by the.

Assignment 2: Research Project

Apeshit- The Carters : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbMqWXnpXcA

Essential question
What effect do moving images* have on your world?
* By moving images, we are not only referring to traditional film or video, but cinema in a broad sense, including their use in visual art as well as the so-called “expanded cinema” of communications technology, mobile phones, the Internet, “big data,” etc.
You must conduct research and your project must be accompanied by a bibliography with at least two academic sources not included in course readings.
You must answer the essential question with a substantial project, but you can do so in many different ways:

Remember, no matter what form your project takes, you must do library research (i.e. not just a Google search) and turn in a bibliography with at least two sources not included in course readings.

We will evaluate your project based on how well it demonstrates your ability to:
Analyze moving images*, including their social and/or political context (incl. connections to critical discourse)
Interpret and apply academic texts in forming arguments/analysis
Analyze and form arguments with evidence
Demonstrate understanding of filmic concepts (e.g. montage)
Provide accurate information (all relevant names, dates, titles, etc. must be correct)

1000 words research paper about moving images (apeshit by the

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