Emotional intellegence in the human services profession | english
Emotional intellegence in the human services profession | english.
Reflect on the role of Emotional Intelligence in the Human Service profession, and in your own development as a Human Service professional. Your essay may include definitions of Emotional Intelligence and the Human Service Field (in your own words, not according to a dictionary; that said, you can use the authors or resources we’ve read in class on Emotional Intelligence to help you define it). You may include a comparison of Emotional Intelligence to other forms of intelligence which may serve you personally, academically, and/or professionally. Your essay may include any personal experience you developed during writing prompts in class, or any experience you have had with positive (or negative) emotional reactions, as well as reflections on your own Emotional Intelligence. Your essay may include your results of the test we took in class about Emotional Intelligence. Your essay may include excerpts from the readings we’ve done on Emotional Intelligence, as well as any research you have completed.
Your essay must have an argument you are trying to make. Your argument, or thesis, must be a complex sentence that’s making a claim that you prove throughout the course of the essay.
Emotional intellegence in the human services profession | english