Video journal #5: elliot, a soldier’s fugue

Video journal #5: elliot, a soldier’s fugue.

Question #1
What did you notice? What about the play was interesting, strange, revealing, or meaningful for you? Be specific. 
Question #2
What values are being represented in this dramatic world. Discuss two values and to what group/groups these values are attached. Give at least two specific example from the play of how each value is expressed/represented. What does this suggest about the play as a whole?
If “values” ends up being a difficult word to tangle with, try replacing it with perspectives, priorities, or concerns. 
Question #3 (Read with a pencil) 
For this question, do not use “fugue.” You will address this in Question #5.
For this prompt, choose something that you circled while reading the play that you didn’t completely understand and do some additional research — this might mean looking up the meaning of a word, or googling an unfamiliar reference — and then discuss your findings.
Armed with this new information how have you been able to put what was at first difficult to understand into context? What connections exist between this new information and other details of the world of the play?
Question #4 (Issue of diversity)
Using specific examples from the text, discuss the depiction of the American soldier in the play. How does the play both reaffirm and challenge ideas of America and the American soldier? 
Question #5
Put the play’s title “A Soldier’s Fugue” into context. What is a fugue and how does it relate to the play? Does this play have a point of view on war and the soldier? In other words, what was the playwright’s intention with this play?
Question #6
Ask two of your own questions about the play. This is your opportunity to find out what someone else thinks about an aspect of the play that you found particularly interesting, confusing, or challenging. You cannot repeat any question that is part of this list of discussion prompts. 

Video journal #5: elliot, a soldier’s fugue

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