How did the artist convey the message

How did the artist convey the message.

Some of the pages have views of the same artwork. 

Here is the link of the picture which need to be describe:
Put your name, the date, and a title at the top.
Put which image number you picked.
List three feelings, emotions, message, or other aspects that the image conveys. Make it easy for me to find your three items.
Then for each item, list how the artist has gone about conveying that feeling/emotion/message/whatever.
Camera angles
Position in the frame
Focus/depth of field
Facial expression

I’m looking for at least 3/4 of a page.
Spelling and grammar count. Do not forget about things like thesis statements, topic sentences, and paragraphs. Do not give me a solid wall of text.
Please review the PIE Paragraph StructureLinks to an external site. if needed. Paragraphs should average about five sentences. If you turn in just one long paragraph I won’t read it.
Here are some words people have gotten confused on in prior years:
Innocents is not the same as Innocence.
Eloquent is not the same as Elegant.
Too, to, and two are different words.
Loose and lose are also different words.
Don’t forget the classic: there, their, and there.

How did the artist convey the message

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