Help1 | NUR4922 | Rasmussen College System

Help1 | NUR4922 | Rasmussen College System.


Deliverable 3 – Let’s Talk


Utilize effective intra-professional and inter-professional communication to promote a continuous and reliable therapeutic environment.


You are the staff development director of an acute care rehabilitation center. The center has gone through some recent expansions resulting in “growing pains.” The staff has doubled in size in the last six months. The Director of Nursing approaches you with a problem. The client satisfaction scores have decreased significantly in the past six months, and she shows you quotes from clients that need to be addressed. She has given you the task of creating a column in the hospital newsletter focusing on positive intra- and inter-professional communication strategies.


From the list of survey quotes provided here Click for more options , create a column for the hospital newsletter to assist in understanding positive intra- and inter-professional communication strategies.

  • Chose two intra-professional      communication examples from the list of survey quotes. For each example      describe:
    • Consequences of the poor       communication strategy
    • Propose a communication strategy       to promote intra-professional communication and to create a therapeutic       environment
    • Support your ideas with evidence
  • Chose two inter-professional      communication examples from the list of survey quotes. For each example      describe:
    • Consequences of the poor       communication strategy
    • Propose a communication strategy       to promote inter-professional communication and to create a therapeutic       environment
    • Support your ideas with evidence
  • Ideas stated with professional      language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation,      spelling, and grammar.

Grading Rubric

Appropriately chose two intra-professional communication examples from the list of survey quotes.

Examples were evaluated completely and consequences fully described.

Accurate alternative strategy is provided and strongly supported with appropriate evidence.

Appropriately chose two inter-professional communication examples from the list of survey quotes. Examples were evaluated completely and consequences fully described.

Accurate alternative strategy provided and strongly supported with appropriate evidence.

Communication is professional, well-constructed, and succinct and contains comprehensive detail.

Minimal to no spelling and grammar errors that do not detract from the audience’s ability to comprehend the material.

Sources used are credible, support the purpose of the assignment, and contain insignificant to no APA errors.

Help1 | NUR4922 | Rasmussen College System

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