Human resources nursing management | Nursing homework help

Human resources nursing management | Nursing homework help.


Salary, Benefits, and the Nursing Shortage

The study: Solving nursing shortages: A common priority asserts that “the ‘shortage’ of nurses is not necessarily a shortage of individuals with nursing qualifications, it is a shortage of nurses willing to work in the present conditions. The causes of shortages are multi-faceted, and there is no single global measure of their extent and nature, there is growing evidence of the impact of relatively low staffing levels on health care delivery and outcomes” (Buchan & Aiken, 2008, para 1). As such, the HR nursing professional would play a major role in addressing these needs. Yet, arguably, 8 years later, little progress has been made.In this assignment, you will conduct a search of the Grantham library database for current research about the nursing shortage and HR practices to address it. Then, create a plan to address the nursing shortage from an HR perspective addressing areas from Chapter 13

  • Cover sheet
  • 4- pages in APA format
  • References: 2-3
  • Citations: 2-3

Human resources nursing management | Nursing homework help

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