250 word essay quick easy knock it out please read instructions and | The Family | Tennessee State University

250 word essay quick easy knock it out please read instructions and | The Family | Tennessee State University.

Write a 250 work critique of the journal article listed in this module.  Double-spaced type and a 11 or 12 sized font means a one to two page paper.  I have heard Dr. Coontz speak on several occasions and she is riveting.  Her work focuses on the history of the family, primarily in the United States, but also sometimes other parts of the world.  Her book “The Way We Never Were” is a classic in the sociology of the family, debunking many of the myths we talked about in the previous module and examining these through a historical lens.   
Coontz, S. (2004). The world historical transformation of marriage. Journal of marriage and family, 66(4), 974-979..
Within this essay:
1.  Identify three social forces that this author claims are currently changing families.
2.  Are these forces moving us back toward the mythical ideal family?
3.  Describe what she means by the “real traditional” family.”
4.  Describe her view of the relationship between love and family. .
5.  If you were writing this article, are there any aspects of it you would change?  For example, does it consider all the variations across sub-groups?  Does it resonate with your experience of the family?  Be critical despite the fact that this is a really good paper.  It passed through peer-review in a very respected journal, and I selected it out of hundreds for your course.  Nonetheless,be critical and think of how this paper would resonate more with you, or provide a more balance view or whatever.  

250 word essay quick easy knock it out please read instructions and | The Family | Tennessee State University

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