SOLUTION: Wright State University Foundations of Group Behavior and Understanding Work Teams

SOLUTION: Wright State University Foundations of Group Behavior and Understanding Work Teams.

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Foundation of Group Behavior and Work Teams




A group is made up of two or more individuals who have come together for interactions or
to achieve some set goals or targets. There are two different forms of groups; formal and
informal groups. Official groups are those that are fixed or formed to accomplish a specific task
or attain a particular objective (Hogg, Abrams & Brewer, 2017). The informal groups are two or
more people coming together to discuss casual matters or for the sake of friendship. This paper
seeks to address the reflections about the foundations of group behavior and understanding
Informal groups: there are two categories of groups which are task and command groups. A
command group consists of people or employees who give their reports directly to a particular
manager while task group is comprised of individuals who come together to join efforts to
accomplish a given task (Hogg, 2016). The task groups do not necessarily have an order of
hierarchy, and it might be created just for some time. Under the informal, there is the friendship
group and the interests groups. The friendship group includes individuals who come together
because they share or they have some common characteristics. The interests groups made up of
people who come together and combine efforts to work towards some objectives that concern
every member of that group.
In the Maslow hierarchy of needs, a human being is a social being, and in some points of
his life, he needs the social identity. People like being in groups and they behave according to the
rules and regulations of the group so that they can be able to …

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SOLUTION: Wright State University Foundations of Group Behavior and Understanding Work Teams

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