SOLUTION: Trinity High School Writing Academic Discipline Discussion

SOLUTION: Trinity High School Writing Academic Discipline Discussion.

Unfortunately, as of right now, I do not contribute to any academic conversation within my
academic discipline (accounting). While I am currently and have also in the past taken
accounting courses, they have all been asynchronous courses where I have had little to no
discourse between my peers and myself or even my professors and myself. However, once I
graduate and have more free time, I would love to join in on some ongoing academic
conversations within the accounting field. The way I plan to accomplish this is by joining
associations such as the NABA (National Association of Black Accountants) and the AFWA
(Accounting and Financial Women’s Alliance). In the past, my academic field of accounting has
consisted of white males dominating the space. So, it would be nice to engage in academic
conversations amongst people who have more similar backgrounds/experiences that I am likely
to or have already encountered.
Richard A. Cherwitz and James W. Hikins define rhetoric as, “the art of describing reality
through language” (“What Is Rhetoric?”). The accurate and effective use of rhetoric to
communicate knowledge and ideas, however, is dependent on the relationship between the
elements of purpose, genre, audience, and context (Gussow). By examining these elements and
how they relate to each other, you can better understand how to effectively communicate
knowledge and ideas by tailoring them to meet the circumstances of the given situation. For
example, the elements (purpose, genre, audience, and context) writing an academic paper
versus talking to a group of your friends would greatly vary and thus change the rhetoric used
in both situations.
The types of sources that count as evidence in my field vary depending on if you are
completing bookkeeping or auditing. For bookkeeping, the main sources that count as evidence
are source documents which can include, but are not limited to, deposit slips, invoices, credit
memos, receipts, etc… (Carlson). If you are completing an audit, there are eight main sources of
audit evidence which include physical examination, confirmations, documentary evidence,
analytical procedures, oral evidence, the accounting system, reperformance, and observatory
evidence (CFAJournal).
My academic discipline is in business management, but since I’m still a student, I haven’t made
any real or significant contributions to my particular academic conversation. Besides writing
from sources to complete essays, reports, or presentations for some business and management
classes, I’ve never published a formal paper that research would otherwise use to further
contribute to the academic conversation. In my limited experience, one aspect of rhetoric that I
frequently consider before communicating my ideas, is the audience that I’m about to address
or speak to. To effectively communicate to my friends and peers, I’ve found that talking to them
casually with a lack of formality, helps me build emotional connections with individuals that fall
into this “peer” type audience. As opposed to having a free-flowing conversation with peers
that I’d be more casual with, I make sure that I’m prepared to speak with a clear topic and
purpose in mind when I am to speak to a classroom or professional audience in my academic
discipline. Additionally, I address such an audience with a more serious tone, and use language
that is formal, so that I can be taken more seriously when communicating my knowledge and
Given that business management is such a broad academic and professional discipline, many
types of sources would be considered as evidence. This includes reputable business magazines;
Forbes Magazine, newspapers/articles; The Wall Street Journal, and peer-reviewed academic
publications. Since management exists in all organizations and all professional industries, some
sources that might speak on successful management methods that work particularly in
construction management, may not be applicable methods of management that one might
apply in an accounting firm. The fact that employees and individuals within a team respond
differently to the various forms of management styles also implies that even credible sources
that would count as evidence, are not always the most applicable sources. Nonetheless, all
these types of sources still provide people like me in the field of business management a
general framework of how to “effectively” deploy management strategies and methods that
would boost productivity in the workplace.

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