SOLUTION: Trident Technical College Global Value Chain of Monsanto Video Questions

SOLUTION: Trident Technical College Global Value Chain of Monsanto Video Questions.

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High School Business




High School Business
Please describe in detail, from beginning to end, the global value chain of Monsanto (things
they do in R&D, marketing, legal, etc.) in order to capture value in the global agricultural
industry, think critically.
Monsanto is a player in the great and vital value chain that is the basis of the world’s food
resource. Monsanto runs the foundation of this value chain. Their dealers are near the raw
materials dispensation of their businesses, mostly the organizations dealing with the manufacture
of chemicals. Monsanto receives inputs from suppliers and adds value to them by transforming
R&D understanding to crop safety and seed produces. Distributors and retailers are next in their
value chain. They help in the formation of r…

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