SOLUTION: SOC220 GCU Social Phenomenon & Solutions on Child Abuse Presentation
SOLUTION: SOC220 GCU Social Phenomenon & Solutions on Child Abuse Presentation.
Social Problems Power Point Presentation: 12-15 slide not including the title slide & reference slide
Create a PowerPoint presentation to present all that you have learned about Child Abuse:
1. Describe the selected social problem in social context:
2. What elements of society contribute to this problem, and how can it be alleviated?
3. What has perpetuated the problem?
4. Summarize actual solutions on Child Abuse you found in research and compare them to
historical solutions.
The PowerPoint presentation should consist of 12-15 slides not including the title slide and reference
slide. Images may be included in the presentation, but be sure to keep all image sizes low for this
presentation. Address the following citing at least one scholarly source from the GCU library or
Lastly, this is a 2 part assignment please make sure you complete both assignments as they need to be
turned in together.
Social Problem Final Essay: 750-1,000 words
After analyzing various social problems in this course, in an essay assignment (750-1,000 words), address
the following citing three to five scholarly sources from the GCU library:
Prepare this assignment on the writing template that’s attached. The template also have all the
guidelines listed on it, an abstract is not required. The rubric have been attached as well for review to
become familiar with the expectations for a successful grade.
Paper Structure:
Introduction – Make sure a thesis is provided.
1st Paragraph – Summarize what you’ve learned regarding the impact of social phenomenon (for
instance, social inequality, social deviance, etc.) on Child Abuse from macro and micro perspectives.
2ND Paragraph – In Topic 1, you explained how the theoretical perspective(s) that best aligns with Child
Abuse (conflict, functionalist, and interactionist) explains how it came to be and is perpetuated. In this
essay, explain how your study of the theoretical perspectives has deepened your understanding of why
Child Abuse continues to exist and how it can be alleviated.
3rd Paragraph – Provide your own possible solutions on Child Abuse that are more effective than current
solutions, based on research you’ve collected.
Karisha Richardson
Heather Davidson
Child Abuse
Social Problems
Karisha Richardson
July 8, 2019
Heather Davidson
Social Problems on Child Abuse Final Essay
This is an electronic template for papers written in GCU style. The purpose of the
template is to help you follow the basic writing expectations for beginning your coursework at
GCU. Margins are set at 1 inch for top, bottom, left, and right. The first line of each paragraph is
indented a half inch (0.5″). The line spacing is double throughout the paper, even on the
reference page. One space after punctuation is used at the end of a sentence. The font style used
in this template is Times New Roman. The font size is 12 point. When you are ready to write,
and after having read these instructions completely, you can delete these directions and start
typing. The formatting should stay the same. If you have any questions, please consult with your
Citations are used to reference material from another source. When paraphrasing material
from another source (such as a book, journal, website), include the author’s last name and the
publication year in parentheses. When directly quoting material word-for-word from another
source, use quotation marks and include the page number after the author’s last name and year.
Using citations to give credit to others whose ideas or words you have used is an essential
requirement to avoid issues of plagiarism. Just as you would never steal someone else’s car, you
should not steal his or her words either. To avoid potential problems, always be sure to cite your
sources. Cite by referring to the author’s last name, the year of publication in parentheses at the
end of the sentence, such as (George & Mallery, 2016), and page numbers if you are using word-
for-word materials. For example, “The developments of the World War II years firmly
established the probability sample survey as a tool for describing population characteristics,
beliefs, and attitudes” (Heeringa, West, & Berglund, 2017, p. 3).
The reference list should appear at the end of a paper (see the next page). It provides the
information necessary for a reader to locate and retrieve any source you cite in the body of the
paper. Each source you cite in the paper must appear in your reference list; likewise, each entry
in the reference list must be cited in your text. A sample reference page is included below; this
page includes examples (George & Mallery, 2016; Heeringa et al., 2017; Smith et al., 2018;
“USA swimming,” 2018; Yu, Johnson, Deutsch, & Varga, 2018) of how to format different
reference types (e.g., books, journal articles, and a website). For additional examples, see the
GCU Style Guide.
George, D., & Mallery, P. (2016). IBM SPSS statistics 23 step by step: A simple guide and
reference. New York, NY: Routledge.
Heeringa, S. G., West, B. T., & Berglund, P. A. (2017). Applied survey data analysis (2nd ed.).
New York, NY: Chapman & Hall/CRC Press.
Smith, P. D., Martin, B., Chewning, B., Hafez, S., Leege, E., Renken, J., & Smedley Ramos, R.
(2018). Improving health care communication for caregivers: A pilot study. Gerontology &
Geriatrics Education, 39(4), 433-444.
USA swimming. (2018). Retrieved from
Yu, M., Johnson, H., Deutsch, N., & Varga, S. (2018). “She calls me by my last name”:
Exploring adolescent perceptions of positive teacher-student relationships. Journal of
Adolescent Research, 33(3), 332-362.
Karisha Richardson
June 6, 2019
Heather Davidson
Child Abuse
Child abuse can be defined as the physical maltreatment of a child without their consent
or in some cases, the sexual molestation of a child. This is a social problem that has been
crippling many societies and therefore a serious issue in any society. A social problem can be
viewed as problems that affect individuals from those that involve an entire society (Sullivan,
2016 p.3). This is a paper that will aim to narrow down on child abuse as a social issue while at
the same time, making sure to discuss all the critical and relevant optics.
The issue of child abuse has been caused by several factors and among them is the
society itself. Through failure to address the issue as it is, the society has since remained to be
one of the most convenient breeding grounds for the increasing cases of child abuse. It is also
very important to underline the fact that through the complacency if the society, this problem has
continued to dig its root even deeper and therefore becoming a huge issue (Adams et al. p 45).
One theory that can best describe this issue is the interactionalist theory. Through this
theory, it becomes evident on how child abuse grows within our societies while at the same time
it explains what needs to be done in order to salvage the situation in both the short term and in
the long term. It is also worthy of noting that through this same theory, the acts of child abuse are
explained from a point of interaction to the point of it being a menace.
How Child Abuse came to be
Just as it was mentioned earlier, child abuse is the mistreatment of children both in
physical and emotional perspectives. The origin of child abuse is attributed to poor parenting and
misled societies. Through poor parenting, it became impossible to know and understand what is
needed in order to make sure that the children in any space are protected and not abused. With
this same poor parenting, many children were subjected to abuse and it became even more
complicated when they had no clue on what was going on. As time went by, the morality of
society was put to the test (Sprang and Cole p 66). Coupled with the change in culture and the
perception about children, the issue of child abuse became even more pressing and this is how it
came to be as per the theory discussed above. Through this, the issue of child abuse was
perpetrated in both the short term and in the long term too.
Adams, Joyce A., et al. ‘Interpretation of Medical Findings in Suspected Child Sexual Abuse: An
Update for 2018’. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 2018,
Sprang, Ginny, and Jennifer Cole. ‘Familial Sex Trafficking of Minors: Trafficking Conditions,
Clinical Presentation, and System Involvement’. Journal of Family Violence, 2018,
Sullivan, T. J. (2016). Introduction to Social Problems (10th Ed.)
Karisha Richardson
June 6, 2019
Heather Davidson
Social Inequality on Child Abuse
Child abuse refers to the mistreatment of a child mostly by their next of kin, especially
parents. The mistreatment may happen in form of physical abuse, sexual harassment,
psychological and any action meant to demean a child. It also includes failure of parents or
guardian to play their roles of bringing up a child such as provision of basic needs of a child.
Child abuse has been on the rise in the recent past and have been termed as one cause of
immoralities in the societies. Due to its increase in the society, child abuse has resulted to such
social problems as early marriages, drug abuse, and child labor. There are various factors that
result to child abuse in the society.
On a macro level, issues such as economic decline, unemployment, housing,
homelessness, and lack of public education are major factors that contribute to child abuse. On a
micro level, these issues include inner-city drug culture and the residents who participate in illicit
drug sales. The use of drugs impacts the poor and the minority in the communities. The fact that
there are drug abuse and violence, the quality of life in most cities decreases, which therefore
leads to child abuse. Specifically, poverty and inequality are major factors that lead to child
abuse. This is because such families have low income, which is barely enough to feed their
families. The fact that there are very many incidences of joblessness in most inner cities means
that they do not have the chance and opportunity to even to get out of such conditions. The
children born out of these homes, therefore, end up being prone to abuse in different ways, since
they have no one to protect them as they should be (Waris, (2017).
There are very many ways in which discrimination at the individual and institutional
level, usually impacts the social inequality that is taking place in a nation. For instance, social
income is generated so inequality among people, such that the poor and the rich have differences
when it comes to how they earn money. This happens due to the gap that is present among the
different social classes. This kind of discrimination, therefore leads to social inequality, as race
and gender are usually considered to determine the amount of money that one is supposed to
earn. The other factor is the issue of women being part of the process of inequality. However,
most women are educated these days and are becoming part of the workforce. Women,
therefore, may at times feel discriminated against, which leads to social inequality, which is
based on the gender that a person has (Amponsah, 2019).
The social inequality problem can be solved in several ways. Policies can be developed to
regulate the amount of money that certain people earn. This means that employees in a certain
corporation make the same amount of money, regardless of the social status that they hold in
society. The inclusion and use of education is also a key contributor to the reduction of social
inequality, though it does not end it ultimately. Education is a fundamental right for all children.
Based on an agenda that improves the situation at hand on social inequality, more universals
targets are geared towards ensuring that there is no more poverty, health, and education are
developed, as well as water and sanitation among all classes and groups of people, with none of
them being discriminated against. These solutions are however not that different from the
measures that were taken in the past, all that needs to be done are improvements and more
sensitization which will mitigate the social inequality levels (Zaman, 2018).
In a nutshell, social inequality creeps in a society in very subtle ways, through the
interactions that people have with one another. This is regardless of whether it is at a macro or
micro level. Solutions, therefore, need to be sought, so that this menace does not lead to other
social problems, such as child abuse.
Amponsah, B., (2019). The role of leadership for gay black practitioners: How do we craft
authority from micro-aggressions and multiple identities? A personal story. Leadership and
Diversity in Psychology: Moving Beyond the Limits, 22.
Waris, M., (2017). Power Politics and Role of Baradaries in District Khushab (19822008) (Doctoral dissertation, Government College University, Lahore.).
Zaman, M., (2018). Economics of Information Biasing: A Unified Economic Theory That Leads
to New Sustainability Concepts.
Karisha Richardson
Heather Davidson
Social Deviance on Child Abuse
Social deviance can be defined as a behavior or an act that goes against or violates the
values and norms of a given society. Social deviance entails both written or formal rules and
informal social norms (Wilkins, 2013). Due to the variations in the social norms from one
society to another, an act, may be defined as deviant in one society while normal in another.
Social values and norms are meant to maintain harmony in the society and safeguard the rights of
the individuals in the society hence social deviation may lead to various social issues such as
child abuse, gender based violence, racism, corruption among others.
Child abuse can be described as physical mistreatment of an individual, usually below the
age of eighteen, or the sexual abuse of the minor. According to research findings, there are at
least three million cases of child abuse reported in the United States. Child abuse is a product of
social deviance and manifests in various forms: neglect of essential child care, sexual abuse or
molestation, emotional abuse of the child, exploitation, and most commonly physical abuse
(Kaufman, 2016). There are various causes of child abuse; one of the causes is the perpetrator’s
abuse of the substance. Most drugs are associated with aggressive behavior where the individual
under the influence of drugs, especially alcohol resort to extremely aggressive behavior that may
include physically abusing a child. Drug abuse may also heighten sexual desires compelling an
individual into forcefully demanding sex from children around them, leading to perpetual sexual
abuse in extreme instances. The perpetrators are also compelled by poor upbringing from their
parents defined by domestic violence, which the perpetrator, in turn, carries on to their children.
The best solution for child abuse in the United States is sensitization. Non-Governmental
Organization can effect sensitization on a large scale through various means. Aware can be
created on the mainstream media such that particularly parents and guardians are taught about
the implications of child abuse on the child and the society at large. Awareness should also be
created on the causes of child abuse such that parents can be well aware of actions that may lead
to child abuse in the community. Awareness should also be effected in school so that children
can well understand how it manifests and how it can be prevented. The educational system scan
effect sensitization in schools for example through the incorporation of training on child abuse:
its causes and its implications in the curriculum and how children can effectively defend
themselves or react to incidences of child abuse. Secondly, school administrations can play a big
role in sensitization through the facilitation of several anti-child abuse seminars across the
academic school terms whereby the school administration invites guest experts to facilitate the
children through a training program on the incidences of child abuse. The government can also
effect sensitization through harsh penalties and fines to the perpetrators as a way to discourage
the occurrence of child abuse in society. Sensitization compared to other methods that have been
previously proposed is more effective as it appeals both to the perpetrators of the act and the
victims unlike methods such as reporting where the victim may in some instances shy from
reporting the incidences in fear of the repercussions.
Works Cited
Kaufman, Joan. Broken three times: A story of child abuse in america. Oxford University Press,
Wilkins, Leslie T. Social deviance: Social policy, action and research. Routledge, 2013.
Karisha Richardson
June 25, 2019
Heather Davidson
Vulnerable Populations
Despite many efforts to decrease disparities in life aspects, including healthcare, significant
disparities still exist, including access to education, morbidity, risk factors, healthcare coverage,
as well as mortality among most of the vulnerable populations. For instance, people languishing
in high poverty levels are most likely to have poor health outcomes and disabling circumstances.
As such, vulnerable population is a term used to denote those that are economically deprived,
ethnic and racial minorities, uninsured, elderly, homeless, those with chronic illnesses, and those
that hail from low-income backgrounds. Some of the social problems affecting these populations
include inadequate education, poor health coverage, lack of housing, poverty, mental illnesses,
substance abuse, morbidity, risk factors, as well as high mortality.
Macro-level social forces have often had several micro-level effects in different parts of
the society. In particular, there is an apparent link between poverty as well as the entrance of
substance abuse, often increased by race, lack of social support, closed neighborhoods, lack of
opportunities, as well as distraught families. Other macro-level forces comprise economic
decline, lack of housing, insufficient education, unemployment, as well as homelessness. At the
micro-level, street and drug subcultures also impact the social fabrics, often leading to different
vices such as violence and conflicts. In particular, the impact is highest in poor families and
communities, especially in minorities groups. For instance, in the United States, African
Americans usually occupy distinctively disadvantaged positions in the nation’s inner cities. An
important reason for this is that African Americans face intense segregation unlike other racial
communities such as Whites or Asian. As such, this segregation would often lead to high racial
isolation, which acts to decrease employment opportunities. According to Offer and Holzer,
statistics on unemployment levels among African Americans, for instance, support the clause
that they usually encounter greater risks of unemployment as compared to other tribes or races.
The authors argue that approximately 52 percent of African American young men obtain
employment opportunities, but unemployment among this group is regarded as the highest in
most of the inner cities compared to suburb areas.
One of the social problems facing the majority of the vulnerable populations such as the
elderly population is lack of access to healthcare services. The disparity in access to healthcare
among the elderly has been significantly documented in the literature. In particular, the main
reason for this disparity has to do with a lack of healthcare insurance. Majority of the elderly
people above the age of 65 years are uninsured, and therefore, cost appears to be a major factor
that is associated with the lack of their access to appropriate care (Horton). One important
solution that could be used to address this problem is by the federal government taking steps into
improving access to health care by this group, and therefore, reducing the level of disparity
among the elderly (Horton). For instance, by ensuring that all the elderly are insured will help in
lessening their health care burden, and thereby, facilitating their access to care. Compared to the
past, health insurance used to be the comfort of the rich and well-to-do families, but it has
changed now with the introduction of the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, as well as Medicaid.
Offner, Paul A., and Harry J. Holzer. Left behind in the labor market: Recent employment trends
among young Black men. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, Center on Urban and
Metropolitan Policy, 2002.
Horton, Shalonda, and Regina J. Johnson. “Improving access to health care for uninsured elderly
patients.” Public Health Nursing 27.4 (2010): 362-370.
Karisha Richardson
Heather Davidson
Social Problems Within Education
One of the most prevalent social problems that affect education is that of racism whereby
there is discrimination in the manner that students are admitted to schools. Secondly, it is the
issue of school violence which will include vandalism and bullying. Thirdly, it is the change in
the family structure. In this instance, there is an increase in the number of single-parent
households. Fourthly, it is sex education in school which is lacking. In this instance, there has
been an increase in cases of sexually transmitted diseases.
The existence of social problems has perpetuated the problem of child abuse. For
example, at the macro level, issues such as poverty and race have a huge effect on child abuse.
For example, high levels of poverty mean that the rate of child neglect will increase (Kim &
Drake, 2018). As well, with the high levels of poverty, the children will be housed in dilapidated
conditions. Furthermore, high levels of poverty will mean that the children will not get proper
nutrition. All the mentions situations are forms of child abuse. Another macro issue is that of
race. In this case, minorities are associated with high levels of poverty. Given that, poverty will
work to increase the level of child abuse as previously mentioned.
As well, there are social problems at the Micro level. For instance, dysfunctional families
will lead to the perpetuation of child abuse both at the physical and emotional levels. Also, there
is the issue of family roles. In this instance, children might be subjected to forced labor due to
family roles. That amounts to child abuse. Additionally, socials issues such as the manner that
the children are reared will have a huge influence on child abuse. For example, the issue of being
brought up in a family that abuses drugs, they might engage in drugs abuse at a tender age.
One of the ways that can be used to solve social problems in the education sector is the
implementation of universal educational programs. In this case, the programs will be availed in
schools and directing them at probable victims of abuse. Notably, the process of offering the
programs will be aimed at intervening at the individual and family levels. As well, such
programs will be adapted to suit the different cultural groups and in that case, create a
meaningful effect (Collin-Vézina, Daigneault, & Hébert, 2015). In this case, it is vital to keep in
mind that different communities have different cultural experiences and a one-size-fits-all
approach will not work. The bulk of the universal educational programs will be based on the
ways that the student can deal with abuse and sexual victimization. For instance, where they
should report the incident and the manner that they should deal with the issue at a personal level.
Compared to other historical approaches used in the past such as counseling and taking children
who are abused to foster homes this method is better since it is more proactive.
Collin-Vézina, D., Daigneault, I., & Hébert, M. (2015). Lessons Learned from Child Sexual
Abuse Research: Prevalence, Outcomes, and Preventive Strategies. The Societal Burden
of Child Abuse, 3-12. doi:10.1201/b18768-3
Kim, H., & Drake, B. (2018). Child maltreatment risk as a function of poverty and race/ethnicity
in the USA. International Journal of Epidemiology, 47(3), 780-787.
Purchase answer to see full
Create a PowerPoint presentation to present all that you have learned about Child Abuse:
1. Describe the selected social problem in social context:
2. What elements of society contribute to this problem, and how can it be alleviated?
3. What has perpetuated the problem?
4. Summarize actual solutions on Child Abuse you found in research and compare them to
historical solutions.
The PowerPoint presentation should consist of 12-15 slides not including the title slide and reference
slide. Images may be included in the presentation, but be sure to keep all image sizes low for this
presentation. Address the following citing at least one scholarly source from the GCU library or
Lastly, this is a 2 part assignment please make sure you complete both assignments as they need to be
turned in together.
Social Problem Final Essay: 750-1,000 words
After analyzing various social problems in this course, in an essay assignment (750-1,000 words), address
the following citing three to five scholarly sources from the GCU library:
Prepare this assignment on the writing template that’s attached. The template also have all the
guidelines listed on it, an abstract is not required. The rubric have been attached as well for review to
become familiar with the expectations for a successful grade.
Paper Structure:
Introduction – Make sure a thesis is provided.
1st Paragraph – Summarize what you’ve learned regarding the impact of social phenomenon (for
instance, social inequality, social deviance, etc.) on Child Abuse from macro and micro perspectives.
2ND Paragraph – In Topic 1, you explained how the theoretical perspective(s) that best aligns with Child
Abuse (conflict, functionalist, and interactionist) explains how it came to be and is perpetuated. In this
essay, explain how your study of the theoretical perspectives has deepened your understanding of why
Child Abuse continues to exist and how it can be alleviated.
3rd Paragraph – Provide your own possible solutions on Child Abuse that are more effective than current
solutions, based on research you’ve collected.
Karisha Richardson
Heather Davidson
Child Abuse
Social Problems
Karisha Richardson
July 8, 2019
Heather Davidson
Social Problems on Child Abuse Final Essay
This is an electronic template for papers written in GCU style. The purpose of the
template is to help you follow the basic writing expectations for beginning your coursework at
GCU. Margins are set at 1 inch for top, bottom, left, and right. The first line of each paragraph is
indented a half inch (0.5″). The line spacing is double throughout the paper, even on the
reference page. One space after punctuation is used at the end of a sentence. The font style used
in this template is Times New Roman. The font size is 12 point. When you are ready to write,
and after having read these instructions completely, you can delete these directions and start
typing. The formatting should stay the same. If you have any questions, please consult with your
Citations are used to reference material from another source. When paraphrasing material
from another source (such as a book, journal, website), include the author’s last name and the
publication year in parentheses. When directly quoting material word-for-word from another
source, use quotation marks and include the page number after the author’s last name and year.
Using citations to give credit to others whose ideas or words you have used is an essential
requirement to avoid issues of plagiarism. Just as you would never steal someone else’s car, you
should not steal his or her words either. To avoid potential problems, always be sure to cite your
sources. Cite by referring to the author’s last name, the year of publication in parentheses at the
end of the sentence, such as (George & Mallery, 2016), and page numbers if you are using word-
for-word materials. For example, “The developments of the World War II years firmly
established the probability sample survey as a tool for describing population characteristics,
beliefs, and attitudes” (Heeringa, West, & Berglund, 2017, p. 3).
The reference list should appear at the end of a paper (see the next page). It provides the
information necessary for a reader to locate and retrieve any source you cite in the body of the
paper. Each source you cite in the paper must appear in your reference list; likewise, each entry
in the reference list must be cited in your text. A sample reference page is included below; this
page includes examples (George & Mallery, 2016; Heeringa et al., 2017; Smith et al., 2018;
“USA swimming,” 2018; Yu, Johnson, Deutsch, & Varga, 2018) of how to format different
reference types (e.g., books, journal articles, and a website). For additional examples, see the
GCU Style Guide.
George, D., & Mallery, P. (2016). IBM SPSS statistics 23 step by step: A simple guide and
reference. New York, NY: Routledge.
Heeringa, S. G., West, B. T., & Berglund, P. A. (2017). Applied survey data analysis (2nd ed.).
New York, NY: Chapman & Hall/CRC Press.
Smith, P. D., Martin, B., Chewning, B., Hafez, S., Leege, E., Renken, J., & Smedley Ramos, R.
(2018). Improving health care communication for caregivers: A pilot study. Gerontology &
Geriatrics Education, 39(4), 433-444.
USA swimming. (2018). Retrieved from
Yu, M., Johnson, H., Deutsch, N., & Varga, S. (2018). “She calls me by my last name”:
Exploring adolescent perceptions of positive teacher-student relationships. Journal of
Adolescent Research, 33(3), 332-362.
Karisha Richardson
June 6, 2019
Heather Davidson
Child Abuse
Child abuse can be defined as the physical maltreatment of a child without their consent
or in some cases, the sexual molestation of a child. This is a social problem that has been
crippling many societies and therefore a serious issue in any society. A social problem can be
viewed as problems that affect individuals from those that involve an entire society (Sullivan,
2016 p.3). This is a paper that will aim to narrow down on child abuse as a social issue while at
the same time, making sure to discuss all the critical and relevant optics.
The issue of child abuse has been caused by several factors and among them is the
society itself. Through failure to address the issue as it is, the society has since remained to be
one of the most convenient breeding grounds for the increasing cases of child abuse. It is also
very important to underline the fact that through the complacency if the society, this problem has
continued to dig its root even deeper and therefore becoming a huge issue (Adams et al. p 45).
One theory that can best describe this issue is the interactionalist theory. Through this
theory, it becomes evident on how child abuse grows within our societies while at the same time
it explains what needs to be done in order to salvage the situation in both the short term and in
the long term. It is also worthy of noting that through this same theory, the acts of child abuse are
explained from a point of interaction to the point of it being a menace.
How Child Abuse came to be
Just as it was mentioned earlier, child abuse is the mistreatment of children both in
physical and emotional perspectives. The origin of child abuse is attributed to poor parenting and
misled societies. Through poor parenting, it became impossible to know and understand what is
needed in order to make sure that the children in any space are protected and not abused. With
this same poor parenting, many children were subjected to abuse and it became even more
complicated when they had no clue on what was going on. As time went by, the morality of
society was put to the test (Sprang and Cole p 66). Coupled with the change in culture and the
perception about children, the issue of child abuse became even more pressing and this is how it
came to be as per the theory discussed above. Through this, the issue of child abuse was
perpetrated in both the short term and in the long term too.
Adams, Joyce A., et al. ‘Interpretation of Medical Findings in Suspected Child Sexual Abuse: An
Update for 2018’. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 2018,
Sprang, Ginny, and Jennifer Cole. ‘Familial Sex Trafficking of Minors: Trafficking Conditions,
Clinical Presentation, and System Involvement’. Journal of Family Violence, 2018,
Sullivan, T. J. (2016). Introduction to Social Problems (10th Ed.)
Karisha Richardson
June 6, 2019
Heather Davidson
Social Inequality on Child Abuse
Child abuse refers to the mistreatment of a child mostly by their next of kin, especially
parents. The mistreatment may happen in form of physical abuse, sexual harassment,
psychological and any action meant to demean a child. It also includes failure of parents or
guardian to play their roles of bringing up a child such as provision of basic needs of a child.
Child abuse has been on the rise in the recent past and have been termed as one cause of
immoralities in the societies. Due to its increase in the society, child abuse has resulted to such
social problems as early marriages, drug abuse, and child labor. There are various factors that
result to child abuse in the society.
On a macro level, issues such as economic decline, unemployment, housing,
homelessness, and lack of public education are major factors that contribute to child abuse. On a
micro level, these issues include inner-city drug culture and the residents who participate in illicit
drug sales. The use of drugs impacts the poor and the minority in the communities. The fact that
there are drug abuse and violence, the quality of life in most cities decreases, which therefore
leads to child abuse. Specifically, poverty and inequality are major factors that lead to child
abuse. This is because such families have low income, which is barely enough to feed their
families. The fact that there are very many incidences of joblessness in most inner cities means
that they do not have the chance and opportunity to even to get out of such conditions. The
children born out of these homes, therefore, end up being prone to abuse in different ways, since
they have no one to protect them as they should be (Waris, (2017).
There are very many ways in which discrimination at the individual and institutional
level, usually impacts the social inequality that is taking place in a nation. For instance, social
income is generated so inequality among people, such that the poor and the rich have differences
when it comes to how they earn money. This happens due to the gap that is present among the
different social classes. This kind of discrimination, therefore leads to social inequality, as race
and gender are usually considered to determine the amount of money that one is supposed to
earn. The other factor is the issue of women being part of the process of inequality. However,
most women are educated these days and are becoming part of the workforce. Women,
therefore, may at times feel discriminated against, which leads to social inequality, which is
based on the gender that a person has (Amponsah, 2019).
The social inequality problem can be solved in several ways. Policies can be developed to
regulate the amount of money that certain people earn. This means that employees in a certain
corporation make the same amount of money, regardless of the social status that they hold in
society. The inclusion and use of education is also a key contributor to the reduction of social
inequality, though it does not end it ultimately. Education is a fundamental right for all children.
Based on an agenda that improves the situation at hand on social inequality, more universals
targets are geared towards ensuring that there is no more poverty, health, and education are
developed, as well as water and sanitation among all classes and groups of people, with none of
them being discriminated against. These solutions are however not that different from the
measures that were taken in the past, all that needs to be done are improvements and more
sensitization which will mitigate the social inequality levels (Zaman, 2018).
In a nutshell, social inequality creeps in a society in very subtle ways, through the
interactions that people have with one another. This is regardless of whether it is at a macro or
micro level. Solutions, therefore, need to be sought, so that this menace does not lead to other
social problems, such as child abuse.
Amponsah, B., (2019). The role of leadership for gay black practitioners: How do we craft
authority from micro-aggressions and multiple identities? A personal story. Leadership and
Diversity in Psychology: Moving Beyond the Limits, 22.
Waris, M., (2017). Power Politics and Role of Baradaries in District Khushab (19822008) (Doctoral dissertation, Government College University, Lahore.).
Zaman, M., (2018). Economics of Information Biasing: A Unified Economic Theory That Leads
to New Sustainability Concepts.
Karisha Richardson
Heather Davidson
Social Deviance on Child Abuse
Social deviance can be defined as a behavior or an act that goes against or violates the
values and norms of a given society. Social deviance entails both written or formal rules and
informal social norms (Wilkins, 2013). Due to the variations in the social norms from one
society to another, an act, may be defined as deviant in one society while normal in another.
Social values and norms are meant to maintain harmony in the society and safeguard the rights of
the individuals in the society hence social deviation may lead to various social issues such as
child abuse, gender based violence, racism, corruption among others.
Child abuse can be described as physical mistreatment of an individual, usually below the
age of eighteen, or the sexual abuse of the minor. According to research findings, there are at
least three million cases of child abuse reported in the United States. Child abuse is a product of
social deviance and manifests in various forms: neglect of essential child care, sexual abuse or
molestation, emotional abuse of the child, exploitation, and most commonly physical abuse
(Kaufman, 2016). There are various causes of child abuse; one of the causes is the perpetrator’s
abuse of the substance. Most drugs are associated with aggressive behavior where the individual
under the influence of drugs, especially alcohol resort to extremely aggressive behavior that may
include physically abusing a child. Drug abuse may also heighten sexual desires compelling an
individual into forcefully demanding sex from children around them, leading to perpetual sexual
abuse in extreme instances. The perpetrators are also compelled by poor upbringing from their
parents defined by domestic violence, which the perpetrator, in turn, carries on to their children.
The best solution for child abuse in the United States is sensitization. Non-Governmental
Organization can effect sensitization on a large scale through various means. Aware can be
created on the mainstream media such that particularly parents and guardians are taught about
the implications of child abuse on the child and the society at large. Awareness should also be
created on the causes of child abuse such that parents can be well aware of actions that may lead
to child abuse in the community. Awareness should also be effected in school so that children
can well understand how it manifests and how it can be prevented. The educational system scan
effect sensitization in schools for example through the incorporation of training on child abuse:
its causes and its implications in the curriculum and how children can effectively defend
themselves or react to incidences of child abuse. Secondly, school administrations can play a big
role in sensitization through the facilitation of several anti-child abuse seminars across the
academic school terms whereby the school administration invites guest experts to facilitate the
children through a training program on the incidences of child abuse. The government can also
effect sensitization through harsh penalties and fines to the perpetrators as a way to discourage
the occurrence of child abuse in society. Sensitization compared to other methods that have been
previously proposed is more effective as it appeals both to the perpetrators of the act and the
victims unlike methods such as reporting where the victim may in some instances shy from
reporting the incidences in fear of the repercussions.
Works Cited
Kaufman, Joan. Broken three times: A story of child abuse in america. Oxford University Press,
Wilkins, Leslie T. Social deviance: Social policy, action and research. Routledge, 2013.
Karisha Richardson
June 25, 2019
Heather Davidson
Vulnerable Populations
Despite many efforts to decrease disparities in life aspects, including healthcare, significant
disparities still exist, including access to education, morbidity, risk factors, healthcare coverage,
as well as mortality among most of the vulnerable populations. For instance, people languishing
in high poverty levels are most likely to have poor health outcomes and disabling circumstances.
As such, vulnerable population is a term used to denote those that are economically deprived,
ethnic and racial minorities, uninsured, elderly, homeless, those with chronic illnesses, and those
that hail from low-income backgrounds. Some of the social problems affecting these populations
include inadequate education, poor health coverage, lack of housing, poverty, mental illnesses,
substance abuse, morbidity, risk factors, as well as high mortality.
Macro-level social forces have often had several micro-level effects in different parts of
the society. In particular, there is an apparent link between poverty as well as the entrance of
substance abuse, often increased by race, lack of social support, closed neighborhoods, lack of
opportunities, as well as distraught families. Other macro-level forces comprise economic
decline, lack of housing, insufficient education, unemployment, as well as homelessness. At the
micro-level, street and drug subcultures also impact the social fabrics, often leading to different
vices such as violence and conflicts. In particular, the impact is highest in poor families and
communities, especially in minorities groups. For instance, in the United States, African
Americans usually occupy distinctively disadvantaged positions in the nation’s inner cities. An
important reason for this is that African Americans face intense segregation unlike other racial
communities such as Whites or Asian. As such, this segregation would often lead to high racial
isolation, which acts to decrease employment opportunities. According to Offer and Holzer,
statistics on unemployment levels among African Americans, for instance, support the clause
that they usually encounter greater risks of unemployment as compared to other tribes or races.
The authors argue that approximately 52 percent of African American young men obtain
employment opportunities, but unemployment among this group is regarded as the highest in
most of the inner cities compared to suburb areas.
One of the social problems facing the majority of the vulnerable populations such as the
elderly population is lack of access to healthcare services. The disparity in access to healthcare
among the elderly has been significantly documented in the literature. In particular, the main
reason for this disparity has to do with a lack of healthcare insurance. Majority of the elderly
people above the age of 65 years are uninsured, and therefore, cost appears to be a major factor
that is associated with the lack of their access to appropriate care (Horton). One important
solution that could be used to address this problem is by the federal government taking steps into
improving access to health care by this group, and therefore, reducing the level of disparity
among the elderly (Horton). For instance, by ensuring that all the elderly are insured will help in
lessening their health care burden, and thereby, facilitating their access to care. Compared to the
past, health insurance used to be the comfort of the rich and well-to-do families, but it has
changed now with the introduction of the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, as well as Medicaid.
Offner, Paul A., and Harry J. Holzer. Left behind in the labor market: Recent employment trends
among young Black men. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, Center on Urban and
Metropolitan Policy, 2002.
Horton, Shalonda, and Regina J. Johnson. “Improving access to health care for uninsured elderly
patients.” Public Health Nursing 27.4 (2010): 362-370.
Karisha Richardson
Heather Davidson
Social Problems Within Education
One of the most prevalent social problems that affect education is that of racism whereby
there is discrimination in the manner that students are admitted to schools. Secondly, it is the
issue of school violence which will include vandalism and bullying. Thirdly, it is the change in
the family structure. In this instance, there is an increase in the number of single-parent
households. Fourthly, it is sex education in school which is lacking. In this instance, there has
been an increase in cases of sexually transmitted diseases.
The existence of social problems has perpetuated the problem of child abuse. For
example, at the macro level, issues such as poverty and race have a huge effect on child abuse.
For example, high levels of poverty mean that the rate of child neglect will increase (Kim &
Drake, 2018). As well, with the high levels of poverty, the children will be housed in dilapidated
conditions. Furthermore, high levels of poverty will mean that the children will not get proper
nutrition. All the mentions situations are forms of child abuse. Another macro issue is that of
race. In this case, minorities are associated with high levels of poverty. Given that, poverty will
work to increase the level of child abuse as previously mentioned.
As well, there are social problems at the Micro level. For instance, dysfunctional families
will lead to the perpetuation of child abuse both at the physical and emotional levels. Also, there
is the issue of family roles. In this instance, children might be subjected to forced labor due to
family roles. That amounts to child abuse. Additionally, socials issues such as the manner that
the children are reared will have a huge influence on child abuse. For example, the issue of being
brought up in a family that abuses drugs, they might engage in drugs abuse at a tender age.
One of the ways that can be used to solve social problems in the education sector is the
implementation of universal educational programs. In this case, the programs will be availed in
schools and directing them at probable victims of abuse. Notably, the process of offering the
programs will be aimed at intervening at the individual and family levels. As well, such
programs will be adapted to suit the different cultural groups and in that case, create a
meaningful effect (Collin-Vézina, Daigneault, & Hébert, 2015). In this case, it is vital to keep in
mind that different communities have different cultural experiences and a one-size-fits-all
approach will not work. The bulk of the universal educational programs will be based on the
ways that the student can deal with abuse and sexual victimization. For instance, where they
should report the incident and the manner that they should deal with the issue at a personal level.
Compared to other historical approaches used in the past such as counseling and taking children
who are abused to foster homes this method is better since it is more proactive.
Collin-Vézina, D., Daigneault, I., & Hébert, M. (2015). Lessons Learned from Child Sexual
Abuse Research: Prevalence, Outcomes, and Preventive Strategies. The Societal Burden
of Child Abuse, 3-12. doi:10.1201/b18768-3
Kim, H., & Drake, B. (2018). Child maltreatment risk as a function of poverty and race/ethnicity
in the USA. International Journal of Epidemiology, 47(3), 780-787.
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SOLUTION: SOC220 GCU Social Phenomenon & Solutions on Child Abuse Presentation