SOLUTION: Security Concerns in Social Networking Essay
SOLUTION: Security Concerns in Social Networking Essay.
The reflection essay is a critical reflection to assist you in understanding the learning process and express what they have learned within a different genre.(1000 words)
1. This exegesis is a separate and unique project. It should contain its own conclusions and have its own structure. While the form of the reflection essay is at your discretion, it does need to be independent from the project and have its own focus and content.
2. Contains practical reflection
3. This is a reflexive document that provides constructive insights. The document should include practical advice for future projects or your own future work
4. Present accessible writing
5. The essay needs to be written and structured in a way that can be read and used by yourself and other parties. This means clear, communicative speech (though it does not need to be academic or formal).
6. Provide specific and interesting content
7. The quality of the essay will be assessed partially based on the extent to which insights are distinct and informative. Avoid content that is too general or obvious.