SOLUTION: NVCC What is means to be a Good Citizen Discussion
SOLUTION: NVCC What is means to be a Good Citizen Discussion.

What it means to be a Good Citizen?
What is means to be a Good Citizen
What qualities makes you a good citizen? Some of the top qualities that can make you a
good citizen are behaving with good attitude, helping, sharing and caring for each other and most
importantly showing respect. If we talk about the classroom, being a good and obedient student
takes some extra qualities like showing responsibility and following the rules and regulations.
Same is the case in society or community.
“You have to follow the rules and regulations. Must not throw the trash in the street and
behave as gentle as you can be. Never bothering any one and no one is harmed by you, these all
are the qualities of good citizen.” 1
To be a good citizen anywhere you have to be a good person. That means showing
respect, having a good attitude or just helping out.
In the classroom, you have to show responsibility by doing your homework on time, or
listening and following directions. Also, you have to help out your other classmates.
Another example is in your community. Don’t just throw your trash in the street, find a trash can
and use it. Make sure you are not bothering anybody while messing around or playing at the
At home, you should always do your chores and listen to your parents. Don’t just think
that if you are at home, you can break the rules, because the same rules should apply everywhere.
Thorson, Kerstin. (2012). What Does It Mean to Be a Good Citizen?
The time changed and rules and regulations changed but standard always
Go for quality.
What it means to be a Good Citizen?
To become the good citizen in the society one must be diligent, superfluous and tenacious. He
must be unique and responsible.
Everybody consists of some network, society, city, and nation. Majority of the people live
for themselves. Their wishes and objectives are significant issue. Such individuals can take care
of fortune. Being citizen refers to the position or status of be…
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SOLUTION: NVCC What is means to be a Good Citizen Discussion