SOLUTION: NRS490 Grand Canyon Week 9 Diabetes mellitus type 2 Project Change Proposal
SOLUTION: NRS490 Grand Canyon Week 9 Diabetes mellitus type 2 Project Change Proposal.

Project Change Proposal
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Project Change Proposal
Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a disease characterized by an increase of blood sugar beyond
the optimum level. The population cohort most affected is that of adults with Body Mass Index
(BMI) greater than 30. This group is targeted for intervention because DMT2 is found to be
prevalent among adults with increased body weight (Laaksonen et al, 2005). Members of this
group have reduced physical activity due to their old age and occupation for instance, and are
therefore more predisposed to the disease. There is a need for an intervention to be carried out by
nurses in the community to help obese adults reduce their body weight. This would result in
positive outcomes such as a reduction in the prevalence of DMT2. According to look ahead
research group (2003), body weight can be managed by taking a balanced diet and doing
physical exercises. This is an indication that healthcare services that involve empowering people
to change their lifestyle can help address the risk of DMT2.
Problem Statement
DMT2 is a disease characterized by an increase of blood sugar beyond the optimum level.
The target population for this intervention is the adults with a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than
30. This group is targeted because DMT2 is found to be prevalent among adults with increased
body weight (Laaksonen et al., 2005). Members of this group have reduced physical activity due
to their old age and occupation for instance, and are therefore more predisposed to the disease. An
intervention that is carried out by nurses in their community to help reduce their body weight can
thus result in positive outcomes such as a reduction in their risk of developing DMT2.
Purpose of The Change
The purpose of the change is to reduce the prevalence of DMT2 among the members of
the local community. By helping the members of the community to manage their body weight,
the number of obese people would decline hence resulting in the decline in the prevalence of
diabetes type 2. The purpose of the change is also to empower the local community to take
control of their health outcomes. Training the local community on how to manage their own
weight would enable them to control diabetes type 2 on their own.
In obese adults with a body mass index over 30, what is the impact of engaging in
campaigns to educate locals and extend nursing services to the grassroots in helping lower the
risk of diabetes mellitus type II in comparison to a regular population (one not under study) over
a year?
Literature Search Strategy
Google scholar and the university database were used as the search engines in order to
obtain peer reviewed academic literature on obesity and DMT2. Concepts of body mass index,
obesity and DMT2 were used on the search engines to locate relevant journal articles. Only the
articles that addressed the association between diabetes type 2 and obesity, and the strategies for
weight management were chosen for review. This was the strategy used to distinguish relevant
articles from others.
Evaluation of Literature
DMT2 has been found to be prevalent among obese people (Laaksonen et al, 2005). The
PICOT question the present project seeks to address is; in obese adults with a body mass index
over 30, what is the impact of engaging…
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SOLUTION: NRS490 Grand Canyon Week 9 Diabetes mellitus type 2 Project Change Proposal