SOLUTION: Grossmont College English Discussion

SOLUTION: Grossmont College English Discussion.

Hello, I want someone to help me with my Course Reflection disscusion 

As we come to the end of the semester, we have the opportunity to take some time to reflect on what we have learned.

In this discussion, we will identify what materials from the class we found to be most personally beneficial. 

Required: Address both of the following two prompts: 

Prompt 1. Generally Helpful Material

  • What course topic did you find most generally interesting and/or beneficial (consider topics covered in videos, lectures, podcasts, discussion boards, etc)?
  • How have you benefitted from this topic? Explain.

(Hint: When explaining how you benefitted, be as specific as possible and frame the benefits in terms of improved interpersonal skills, relationships, and/or quality of life.  Consider one or more of the following:

  • How have you applied this general class topic in your personal life since class began? Be as specific as possible and refer to your own behavior within interpersonal relationships.
  • What insights have you had into self, others, relationships, and/or society based on this general class material? (An ‘insight’ is a deep understanding that was previously hidden, but is revealed in a ‘flash’ when the brain is able to open up to making new connections between bits of information) 

Prompt 2: Specific Concept or Idea that was beneficial

  • What is a specific concept or idea that you found most interesting and/or beneficial? 
  • What module was it included in? 
  • Where did it show up within that module? 
  • How have you benefitted from this material?  Explain. 

(Hint: When explaining how you benefitted, be  as specific as possible and frame the benefits in terms of improved interpersonal skills, relationships, and/or quality of life.  Consider one or more of the following:

  • How have you applied this specific concept in your personal life since class began? Be as specific as possible and refer to your own behavior within interpersonal relationships.
  • What insights have you had into self, others, relationships, and/or society based on this specific concept? (An ‘insight’ is a deep understanding that was previously hidden, but is revealed in a ‘flash’ when the brain is able to open up to making new connections between bits of information) 

*For example, here is a sample answer for prompt 2:

“I was interested in the concept of stonewalling, which is when a person shuts down and refuses to communicate in a conflict.  I didn’t know that stonewalling happened when people are physiologically and emotionally flooded, so they are basically shutting down because they have lost emotional self-control.  They are triggered. I learned it takes 20 minutes to recover from the trigger and to regain self-control. Stonewalling was in the module on conflict management, in the textbook, and also on the Gottman web page. 

I applied this concept when I was in a conversation that became heated with my cousin, Abe.  Abe became defensive after I asked him why he was late to pick me up again, and he didn’t even text me to let me know he was running late. He just started looking at his phone and ignoring me when I was still talking to him.  I realized that he was stonewalling and that he was emotionally triggered.  I decided to let it drop and to leave him alone for a while. I approached him again 30 minutes later.  He was more open a half hour later, and he didn’t pull his phone out to ignore me or get argumentative.  He actually apologized, and we had a nice evening.”

Also, because ‘stonewalling’ is used here as an example, do not use this concept in your own post.  Choose a different concept to earn credit and to show more clearly your own critical thinking.

SOLUTION: Grossmont College English Discussion

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