SOLUTION: Glasgow Caledonian University ADS B and ATC Case Analysis Review

SOLUTION: Glasgow Caledonian University ADS B and ATC Case Analysis Review.

Your responsibility, as a reviewer, is to follow the guidelines and rubric and give
cogent, professional feedback to the student whom you are assigned to review each
week. Successful reviews reflect the following:
The assessment is performed with the perspective that the given concept(s) will
function successfully.

Reviewer agrees or disagrees with the concept(s) presented, not as an
argument but from the perspective of improving the results. Consider that you
both work for the same organization and you both want success. The
reviewer provides additional information or countering information in the form
of further needed actions or another approach for consideration. The
objective is to review the case analysis with a critical eye and either support
or counter the given concept/position.

Look for a thread of consistency and linkage throughout the analysis.

Comments are thoughtful and have depth. Simple responses such as
“Good job”, “I never considered your topic interpreted in this manner” are
not acceptable. Countering positions offer other solutions and are qualified
in why they are relevant.
Assertions are accompanied by a citation and included in a list of
references at the end.
Peer reviews should stay within 150 – 300 words with accompanying
Reviews do not focus on grammar, spelling, or APA format in the case
analysis; the instructor will do this. However your written review must
adhere to proper grammar and spelling.

I. Summary
The Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) is the FAA-led modernization of
America’s air transportation system to make flying even safer, more efficient, and more
predictable. This modernization effort is one of the most ambitious infrastructure projects in U.S.
history. Instead of making minor upgrades to aging infrastructure, the FAA and its partners
continue to implement major new technologies and capabilities in shaping a modern, resilient,
and secure National Airspace System that serves more than 2.7 million passengers and 44,000
flights per day. (What is NextGen?, 2019) Along with the creation of Nextgen, Air Traffic
control has introduced its new technologies such as the Automatic Dependent SurveillanceBroadcast (ADS-B). It functions with satellite rather than radar technology to more accurately
observe and track air traffic. ADS-B Out is a function of an aircraft’s onboard avionics that
periodically broadcasts the aircraft’s state vector (3-dimensional position and 3-dimensional
velocity) and other required information as described in this section. (91.227 Automatic
Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Out equipment performance requirements., 2010)
Aircraft equipped with an ADS-B Out transmitter send their position, altitude, heading, ground
speed, vertical speed, call sign, and International Civil Aviation Organization identifier to a
network of ground stations that relays the information to air traffic control displays. Pilots of
aircraft equipped with a receiver for optional ADS-B In also receive traffic information and can
experience several other benefits. (New Technologies, 2019) As of January 1, 2020, all aircraft
operating in most U.S. airspaces must be equipped with ADS-B Out.
II. Problem
The problem is that ADS-B Out is not transmitting the required location data on certain aircraft.
That means that the aircraft is not in accordance with 14 CFR 91.227.
III. Significance of the Problem
If ADS-B Out is not transmitting the required data about your aircraft, it is not performing in
compliance with the Code of Federal Regulation and is considered to be a non-performing
emitter. An NPE is considered when equipment that doesn’t meet the performance standards, an
error induced during installation by avionics technicians or operational errors by the pilot. This is
significant to the airline industry because ATC uses the ADS-B that airplanes signal out to
follow their positions. General aviation aircraft use it to be aware of other aircraft operating in
the same airspace. The use of ADS-B b ATC to keep track of aircraft in their airspace is
important in the event that an emergency happens.
IV. Alternative Actions
Alternative Action 1: Flight Identification Code
It may be an installation error as to why some ADS-B Outs are not working properly. To set up
the equipment properly, the pilot must enter a four-digit flight identification code. Some aircraft
do not have their flight identification code to match the airplanes tail number. This makes it
difficult when filing flight plans because of the confusion on what code to use, the tail number,
call sign, or identification code. The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association is working with the
FAA and the National Air Traffic Controllers Association on resolving the discrepancies with
mismatch ADS-B topics. (ADS-B: What is an NPE?, 2017)
Alternative Action 2: Position Integrity and Accuracy
I have experienced my ADS-B malfunction and do what we call a ghost reading. This is when
the ADS-B picks up your airplane and displays it on the screen as a traffic warning. In its first
stages of being released, planes experienced false readings and are very concerning because of
the false oncoming traffic that the ADS-B was alerting. The FAA issued an update to fix the
position accuracy in the questioned airspaces. The update allowed for the ADS-B to able to read
aircrafts positions and altitudes accurately. This new technology needs to work because of how
much the airline industry and general aviation relies on its coverage.
V. Recommendation
There are many new technologies that the FAA is releasing the for use of further safety and
convenience in our aviation industry as well as more accuracy for the performance of ATC. As
they keep being released it is important to properly test the technology for any bugs in the system
and to ensure proper installation of the devices such as the ADS-B Out situation. The FAA is
quick to catch discrepancies in their system and regulations. Nextgen has great plans and ideas
for the future of aviation and air traffic control.
91.227 Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Out equipment performance
requirements. (2010). Retrieved from Electronic Code of Federal Regulation:
ADS-B: What is an NPE? (2017, March 1). Retrieved from AOPA:
New Technologies. (2019, March 11). Retrieved from Federal Aviation Administration:
What is NextGen? (2019, August 08). Retrieved from Federal Aviation Administration:
91.227 Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Out equipment performance
requirements. (2010). Retrieved from Electronic Code of Federal Regulation:
ADS-B: What is and NPE? (2017, March 1). Retrieved from AOPA:
New Technologies. (2019, March 11). Retrieved from Federal Aviation Administration:
What is NextGen? (2019, August 08). Retrieved from Federal Aviation Administration:
Case Analysis Issues
Read the assigned topics, then conduct further research into Next Generation ATC
System and Impacts as you will use this knowledge in writing your Case Analysis

You will research the FAA: Next Generation (NextGen) (Links to an
external site.) Air Traffic Control (ATC) system and its impacts
(proposed and otherwise) and provide an assessment.
o Consider accessing the FAA website and scholarly journals to
perform this task.
o Provide a summation of the major facets of the proposed
system. Note those portions that are in operation and those not.
(in Summary)
▪ Identify the current Air Traffic Control (ATC) technology in
use today for commercial and general aviation pilots.
o What are the major problems being addressed? (in Problem)
o What is the significance to the airline industry? To general
aviation? (in Significance)
▪ Explain ATC safety issues for aircraft and give examples.
(include airport issues such as runway incursions)
▪ Discuss the future of ATC, the NextGen System, and its
proposed impacts.
o Based on a review of all major issues, choose two and expound
on solutions provided and possible additions. (in Alternatives)
o Make your recommendation going forward based on lessons
learned. Could something else be added? (in
Make sure you review this page as you do your research: FAA: New

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