SOLUTION: Georgetown University Communication Techniques & Global Stakeholders Paper

SOLUTION: Georgetown University Communication Techniques & Global Stakeholders Paper.

AgileHoya, a local Washington DC software development firm has made plans to expand as a
global organization and will set up project and development teams in England, Brazil, India,
South Africa and Australia.
You and your group are the Project Managers who are tasked with the job to implement this
global expansion project. The Global Project Management Framework, as shown below,
suggests good practices required for global projects. Your group must develop a global project
management framework plan as well as an implementation plan that you will recommend to the
Organizations may need to adapt their cultures, procedures and technological environment
when moving from co-located to virtual and global project management.
Please use the Book for Cite
———QUESTION’s (only 2) ———–● Can the use of communication techniques change the commitment levels of global
stakeholders? How?
● Can internal politics and social networking be more important than communication?
Understanding of Topics and Issues (How the global team was put together) – 25 of 25
Analysis of All Issues Identified (Critical trap to avoid) — 25 of 25 points
Evaluation (opinions, arguments, evidence in the form of critical success factors) – 25 of
25 points
Recommendations (What would you have done differently?) — 25 of 25 points
Please refer to the Rubric for more detailed descriptions on requirements.
Required Headers:
Write a critical analysis on how the global team was put together.
Which trap is the most critical to avoid? Why?
What critical success factors were present?
What would you have done differently?
Weekly Project Submission Rubric
Criterion Score: Excellent (100-90), Good (89-80), Adequate (79-70), Not Good
Enough (69-0)
Score Weight
Depth of Study Gathered information includes the basics of the topic
and an in-depth study of the topic. Information is
organized in a logical manner to support the
X 0.25
Analysis and
X 0.25
The deliverable demonstrated knowledge of the
course content by integrating major and minor
concepts into the response. The deliverable also
demonstrated evidence of extensive research effort
and a depth of thinking about the topic. Shows insight
from drawing conclusions from information gathered.
Response includes all components and meets or
exceeds all requirements indicated in the instructions.
Each question or part of the assignment is addressed
thoroughly. All attachments and/or additional
documents are included, as required.
X 0.25
Diagrams (referenced if necessary) are included that
aid in the communication of gathered information.
X 0.25
Points: 100
Communication techniques change the commitment levels of global
We believe that communication techniques can change the commitment levels of global stakeholders
for several reasons. If there are established communication techniques for the entire project from the
beginning this will ensure that the stakeholders are informed and know what to expect when
communicating scope, cost and performance metrics to the team. “Global projects will benefit from a
standard method, to be used by all project team members” (Binder, 2007, p. 109). It is important to
standardize this from the beginning of the project because it allows all project team members to
understand how to communicate and what communication channels to use as they are working through
issues on the project. When the communication channels are not clear, stakeholders may not feel as
engaged with the project and feel as if they are operating alone. In a global environment where
everyone is geographically separated utilizing video or when conferencing technologies as the
communication technique is preferred. “The main objective of video conferencing is to improve trust on
global projects by allowing a visual contact among the participants” (Binder, 2007, p. 192). Utilizing
these web conferencing tools and established channels will increase trust amongst global stakeholders
and build that commitment that is necessary for a successful project. One strategy we feel is effective is
a project status dashboard that outlines an overall status, time/schedule, costs/budget and resource
status of the project (see figure below). This type of slide can be used to start every project meeting to
ensure all global stakeholders understand the status of the project and how their role in the project is
developing over the course of the project. Displaying information about the project in this manner
requires input from all stakeholders which increases that commitment because individuals on the
project would not want to start a meeting in a negative manner because their segment of the project is
Can internal politics and social networking be more important than
At AgilaHoya, we believe that internal politics and social networking play an important role in analyzing
stakeholders and understanding how to communicate with the right stakeholders on a global project.
We believe that internal politics and social networking are of equal importance when it comes to global
project managers understanding of communication channels with these stakeholders. Identifying
stakeholders at the beginning of the project and having global team members in different countries
provide additional information on these stakeholders is key for establishing these proper channels
(Binder, 2007). Once these stakeholders are identified, as the project manager we must learn how to
communicate with these stakeholders. “The project manager can build on the local knowledge of the
participants of the brainstorming session to identify and document the stakeholders’ characteristics that
depend on their status and geographical location, and can determine their expected behavior” (Binder,
2007, p. 83). Once this is completed we can decide on if internal politics is more important than
communication because in some countries this may be true but in others it may not be. As with all
activities in a global project, there is not one right answer for each country. Every culture and every
country bring their own level of uniqueness to the project and project managers must understand this in
order to effectively communicate with all stakeholders involved.

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