SOLUTION: Evolutionary and Historical Trends of Sexual Attitudes Essay Soc 320
SOLUTION: Evolutionary and Historical Trends of Sexual Attitudes Essay Soc 320.
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Sexual Attitudes and Historical Trends
Sexual Attitudes and Historical Trends
The attitudes society holds relating to sexuality has changed drastically over the last
centuries. Given the many patterns and elements of sexuality, they differ among the genders,
cultures, religious beliefs, and societal norms. There has been a decrease in males not
encountering in sexual conduct while there has been an increase in birth-control among females
(Wagner, 2017). The sexual attitudes concerning the younger generations have risen in the last
decade and differ from the sexual views of the prior generations. Throughout the United States,
among the younger populations, pregnancies have been increased to it’s all-time highest
comparing the rates to decades before, while increased frequencies of abortions have grown
among the younger generations (Wagner, 2017). More so, this generation of adolescents has
higher rates of transmitted diseases such as STD’s, HIV, etc. Many attitudes come from children
who are still trying to figure out themselves, such as homosexuality, gay, heterosexuality, pan
sexuality, and LGBT. These permissive sexual attitudes have been on the rise for about four
decades and still rising day by day. This paper will conclude condom/birth control usage on the
rise, pregnancies ending in abortions, sexual identity (same gender sex), premarital/extramarital
sex and how social media can be a strong influence on adolescence.
Social media has, directly and indirectly, influenced the beliefs and attitudes of sexuality
among society. Adolescents are the most affected, given the advanced of technology and what is
being portrayed on social media and over the internet regarding sexual behaviors and conduct
(Landry et al., 2017). It has become a norm for adolescents to find sexual sayings, gestures, and
conduct as they are socializing on social media platforms and strolling the internet. Many
celebrities and people the younger generations are looking up to are posting half-naked pictures
that have increasing intrigued the minds of adolescents. The adolescents then begin thinking that
such behaviors are appropriate and okay to do. Electronics are leading the way to sexual
communication, which is also called ‘sexting’ (Champion, 2015). According to Champion, “In
general, sexters perceived more social pressure to engage in sexting and demonstrated a higher
need for sensation seeking compared to non-sexters; higher rates of alcohol consumption were
found among the very explicit and explicit sexter groups” (Champion, 2015). Social
media/online cites bring a lot of impact on the younger generations for what is considered the
norm when it comes to sexual influences. Sexual influences lead to more sexual attitudes, such
as preparing for intercourse and buying protection such as condoms and birth control.
A condom is a latex rubber that fits the male to prevent sexually transmitted disease and
pregnancies. Condoms have been the primary source of birth control since 1919, when the Latex
condom was invented (Starosta, 2016). This created a way to have sex safely and prevent not
only a disease but pregnancies, so the pleasure is still there without any worries. Rates of sexual
activity have bee…
SOLUTION: Evolutionary and Historical Trends of Sexual Attitudes Essay Soc 320