SOLUTION: Colorado State University Module 7 Personal and Career Evaluation Paper

SOLUTION: Colorado State University Module 7 Personal and Career Evaluation Paper.

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Running head: MODULE 7


Module 7 Critical Thinking
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Personal and career evaluation is a process to systematically observe, analyze and
value for personal actions as well as the results to stabilize or improve it. This can happen at
an organizational level and an individual level. The person explores and evaluates their
professional work. The benefit of the evaluation is the process is associated with the expert
knowledge and experience of professionals in the specific work area. (What is selfevaluation?, n.d.) This results in increased commitment as well as identification of the
evaluation results. It also increases the willingness to arrive at conclusions and change them
into the practice.
Summary of my personal and career evaluation
The strengths are the ability to see the problems clearly and assigning it for easy
resolution. Leader of the organization is mainly concerned with identifying the problems
prevailing and the best way to resolve them of his own or by the help of the team member. It
includes the ability to do hard work and smart work. Focusing on one of the areas will not
fulfill the purpose. For instance, hard work without smart work or smart work without hard
work will either result in the quantity or quality of work done. I can adapt to different kinds
of people to work.
The weaknesses based on performance and career evaluation include my emotional

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SOLUTION: Colorado State University Module 7 Personal and Career Evaluation Paper

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