SOLUTION: CALUMS issue of Securing Backups & Customer Information Discussion Questions

SOLUTION: CALUMS issue of Securing Backups & Customer Information Discussion Questions.

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Question 1
Most people focus on protecting data, but they do not pay much attention to backing up
relevant data. The use of antivirus and firewalls can help protect data. However, back up, data is
also very vulnerable. There are various approaches which are used to ensure that back up
information is always secure (Mladen, 2008). The most common method is that of 3-2-1 step. In
this approach, someone is supposed to have three copies of the data which is backed up. These
data should not be a similar format but slightly different. Lastly, there should be two forms of
back up, which are physical and one back up in cloud and one which should be off-site. There
are various ways that one can use to store data, such as computer storage, cloud, tapes, and other
external hard drives (Mladen, 2008).
Most companies and schools use tapes as a backup technique for their data. Most of these
tapes are stored near servers, and that is very unsafe. Most companies make mistakes by
handling these tapes carelessly. Some employees go with the recordings to their homes which
can also be an advantage because it becomes difficult to identify their location mainly if the
company operates on a large scale and it has been in operation for several years (Mladen, 2008).
It can, therefore, be concluded that tapes can be a proper technique of data back up if they are
correctly handled and kept in a secure place so that you can avoid any risks that might come up
(Mladen, 2008).
The second technique used by companies and schools to back up information is cloud
storage. This is a technique where vital data is usually moved to a remote server away from the
site. One copy of this critical data is then transferred to the network in the process of backup
(Mladen, 2008). The company can own these data, or they can also opt to hire a third party to
take care of these data and media. This technique is commonly used nowadays by most



companies and schools. Data can also be transferred to an off-site using a magnetic tape, which
is a removable media (Mladen, 2008). Storing data off-site is one of the safest ways of securing
critical data, and it can be retrieved easily in case there is an occurrence of any form of the
disaster which might interfere with data or lead to data loss. In the case of system failure, the
backup data can be used, and this means that the company will not incur any losses when such
situations arise (Mladen, 2008).
Schools and companies need to back up data because they handle crucial data in bulk. If
this data is lost, they might suffer the most. Some companies such as Zurich suffered when they
lost data of their customers, and they were forced to pay a massive fine of 2.3 million pounds.
Cattle group is also another company which lost back up data for its customers (Monfared,
2010). However, it’s not only companies and schools which suffer when they lose data for their
clients because even the US secret service was one the victim after they left backup data tape in
Dc metro (Monfared, 2010).
This kind of mistake makes backup data to be very vulnerable, and therefore, there is a
need for companies and school to be keen and ensure that they are protected accordingly. Cloud
storage has been proven to be the best technique for off-site backup. Tapes are often misplaced,
and therefore, they might fall into the hands of the wrong people.

The examples above,

especially the US secret service, explain why tapes should not be preferred (Monfared, 2010).
Considering that schools and companies have crucial data for students and employees, they
should be cautious on the kind of technique that they should use so that their data is inaccessible
by intruders (Monfared, 2010).
Backup not only secures the information but also maintains the integrity of the company.
It is also challenging to keep so many tapes when there is big data. When the recordings are



many, there is a higher chance that the recordings will also be misplaced. Cloud storage is easier
to use because the data can be accessed offline by using a browser. Information is therefore,
secure than storing it in the same system or office. When the data is kept in the same network or
the office, the backup data can also be lost in case of any disaster or it might be stolen
(Monfared, 2010).
In conclusion, schools and companies should always embrace the use of cloud storage
and offsite storage because they handle so much information which is crucial for their clients.
For instance, schools handle several students and staff who are admitted while others are
clearing. It will be very hard to keep all these data in tapes because they will be so many and
increase the risk of being misplaced.
Mladen et al., “Cloud Computing-Issues, Research and Implementation,” International Journal of
Computing and Information Technology – CIT 16, 2008.
T. Monfared., “Monitoring intrusions and security breaches in a highly distributed Cloud
environment,” 2010.

Question 2

Appointing individuals with requisite expertise, knowledge, technical abilities, as well as
the capabilities that exist in individuals, is an essential factor in information technology.
Developing a workforce that is capable of building a CSIRT is also part of the process that
enables proper development in computer technology. Therefore, in this paper, an explanation of
the skills which are required to provide primary event management is explored.



Building proper CSIRT requires personnel who have specific sets of knowledge, as well
as technical expertise. The individuals must also be able to respond to events, they should have
proper skills to analyze various tasks, and the individuals must also possess the ability to have
effective communication within the constituency, as well as, in other external contacts. The
individuals must also possess practical problem-solving skills. Usually, the services are done for
a specific constituency, which is referred to as the corporation. The corporation can be either
government institutions or educational institution. Other entities which include; region, a
country, existing research networks, existing parent entities like the paid client can be part of the
corporation. Some of the merits of the event response teams include; Effective coordination of
events, the ability to offer expert analysis by the expert groups to solve complicated issues of
events. Other merits can also be the inherent ability to increase the efficacy of the process,

SOLUTION: CALUMS issue of Securing Backups & Customer Information Discussion Questions

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