SOLUTION: Business of the 21st century

SOLUTION: Business of the 21st century.



Law and Real Estate Broker Occupation Projection




Employment in the U.S is expected to grow at an annual rate of 0.5% between 2018-2028.
This reflects a total growth of 8.4 million jobs, which will lead to a total of 169 million jobs within
the 10-year period A report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the rate of growth in this
period will be lower than that of the last decade (2008-2018), which is bad news for graduates and
the unemployed people. The changes in the labor force will result from an increase in employed
aging population and also an increase in the employment rates in the healthcare sector and similar
industries (Economic News Release, 2019). Fields that will experience a decline or slow growth
include the manufacturing sector, wholesale and retail trade, as well as the utility and federal
government employment sector.
Broker in the Real Estate Business
A broker is involved with the buying selling and renting of housing and land properties.
Brokers and agents perform almost similar jobs, but brokers must be licensed by the government
to operate the real estate business, and sales agents work under them (Career one-stop, n.d). As a
qualified real estate license holder, I aim to operate my dad’s business during spring. Statistical
reports show that brokers who held jobs were about 96,000 in 2018 with the largest employees in
the field being the self-employed worker and the real estate, rental, and leasing business (BLS,
Also, the median annual wage for brokers in 2018 was approximately $58,000, with the
lowest earned wage being $22,000 and the highest $163,000. Brokers earn most of their wage
through commission got from the business, which means the more the sales…

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