SOLUTION: BUA 3311 Texas Wesleyan University W4 Contract Agreement Discussion

SOLUTION: BUA 3311 Texas Wesleyan University W4 Contract Agreement Discussion.

BUA 3311: Business Law
Module 4 Assignment: ​Contract Drafting
Guidelines and Rubric
Overview:​ For this assignment, you will apply the concepts and elements you have learned about contracts in Modules 3 and 4, by preparing a
creatively fictional contract on any subject matter you choose. This contract will include fictional characters, facts, the subject of the contract, and
the particulars about how the contract will be performed and satisfied.
Directions: ​Specifically, the contract you create must ​describe​ the following features, by writing them into the contract:
1. Bilateral contract with named (fictional) parties.
2. Agreement and Consideration – provide ample facts to support all elements on the subject of the contract.
3. Why the parties have capacity and the subject of the contract is legal.
4. Termination by Operation of Law.
5. Period for performance.
6. Arbitration clause.
7. Whether it must be in writing or not.
8. How transaction will be performed and satisfied.
Guidelines for Submission:​ Your assignment should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document, 1-2 pages in length, double-spaced, using
12-point font and one-inch margins.
Instructor Feedback:​ This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center.
Exemplary (100%)
Needs Improvement (75%)
Not Evident (0%)
Contract describes Bilateral contract
with named (fictional) parties.
Contract describes Bilateral contract with
named (fictional) parties, but lacks in detail
or clarity.
Contract does not describe Bilateral
contract with named (fictional)
Agreement and
Contract describes agreement and
consideration – providing ample facts
Contract describes agreement and
consideration – providing ample facts to
Contract does not describe
agreement and consideration –
BUA 3311: Business Law
to support all elements on the
subject of the contract.
support all elements on the subject of the
contract, but lacks in detail or clarity.
providing ample facts to support all
elements on the subject of the
Capacity and
Contract describes why the parties
have capacity and the subject of the
contract is legal.
Contract describes why the parties have
capacity and the subject of the contract is
legal, but lacks in detail or clarity.
Contract does not describe why the
parties have capacity and the
subject of the contract is legal.
Contract describes termination by
operation of law.
Contract describes termination by operation
of law, but lacks in detail or clarity.
Contract does not describe
termination by operation of law.
Contract describes the period for
Contract describes the period for
performance, but lacks in detail or clarity.
Contract does not describe the
period for performance.
Contract describes arbitration
Contract describes arbitration clause, but
lacks in detail or clarity.
Contract does not describe
arbitration clause.
Contract describes whether it must
be in writing or not.
Contract describes whether it must be in
writing or not, but lacks in detail or clarity.
Contract does not describe whether
it must be in writing or not.
and Satisfaction
Contract describes how the
transaction will be performed and
Contract describes how the transaction will
be performed and satisfied, but lacks in
detail or clarity.
Contract does not describe how the
transaction will be performed and
No grammar or spelling errors that
distract the reader from the content.
Minor errors in grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the content.
Major errors in grammar or spelling
that distract the reader from the
Total =

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SOLUTION: BUA 3311 Texas Wesleyan University W4 Contract Agreement Discussion

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