SOLUTION: American Military University Historical Actions Writing Discussion

SOLUTION: American Military University Historical Actions Writing Discussion.

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History Assignment

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History Assignment

Typically, the United States Personnel Security Program (PSP) was created to help in the
establishment of guidelines, criteria, as well as standards upon which the eligibility
determinations of personnel security are based. The program focuses on making reasonable
determinations that individuals who are appointed to serve in sensitive posts or those who are
granted access to sensitive or restricted information remain loyal, reliable, reputable, trustworthy,
and have a requisite character. The determination procedure utilized in this program integrates
comprehensive investigative processes for the outcome to be effective. Normally, this personnel
security determination process applies to different groups of the labor force, including DoD
civilian employees, members of the United States Armed Forces, DoD contractors, as well as
other affiliates who have access to restricted or classified information or those undertaking
sensitive duties. Therefore, this program plays a vital role in enhancing national security
(Excellence, 2017).
Various historical actions that were executed by the US government, including Acts and
executive orders, contributed significantly to the formation of the Personnel Security Program.
The roots of this program could be traced back to 1883 after the implementation of the Civil
Service Act that required all applicants who sought federal employment to meet various
qualifications, including being trustworthy and fit for employment and having a requisite
character as well as good reputation (Henderson, 2018). This Act ensured that even if these
employees come across sensitive information, they are able to keep it to themselves since sharing

such information could create vulnerabilities or weaknesses that enemies could use to threaten
the country.
This was followed by another significant historic action in 1912 when the LaFollette Act
was implemented that sought to protect Federal employees from being fired from their
employment positions due to arbitrary reasons. Through this Act, the standard of “Just Cause”
was imposed with the aim of promoting the “efficiency of service,” a concept that was later
integrated into the PSP to facilitate security clearance determinations (Henderson, 2018). After
some years, the Hatch Act of 1939 was implemented. The Hatch Act prohibits any government
employee from being a member of any radical group or activist organization that seeks and
influences people to overthrow the government of the United States (Nelson et al., 2015). Most
importantly, the Act restricts all federal employees who serve in the executive wing from
participating in specific partisan political activities. The Hatch Act was later enacted into a law,
which provides instant removal of any individual who advocates for the overthrowing of the US
government through unlawful means.
Another action that contributed to the formation of the Personnel Security Program was
Executive Order 8781, which was issued by President Franklin in 1941. The executive order
mandated the gathering of fingerprint data of all federal employees. Moreover, through this
executive order, the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) was tasked with the responsibility of
using fingerprints as references to confirm cr…

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