SOLUTION: Advanced Practices in Strategic Marketing Management

SOLUTION: Advanced Practices in Strategic Marketing Management.

Advanced Practices in
Strategic Marketing Management
Preparatory Reading is mandatory for this Unit. You must
read the prescribed textbook, “Marketing Management,
15th Global Edition”, by Phillip Kotler, et al, Pearson, 2016.
The Case Studies and Examination will be based on this
Course Description
MGT 7163 – Advanced Practices in Strategic Marketing Management is the core and
major module with linkages and co-requisite within the Doctor of Business Administration
(DBA) programme. The DBA is a research-based doctorate awarded on the basis of
advanced study and research in the field of business administration. The DBA is a
terminal degree in business administration and it represents the highest academic
qualification in business administration. This module introduces DBA students to the
concepts, frameworks and methodologies useful to managers in marketing and business
environment. Participants will examine and discuss Strategic Marketing Management
from theoretical, managerial and practical perspectives.
This module focuses on the importance of understanding the theory and practice of
strategic marketing management including leadership, planning, problem solving,
communication and decision making, which are fundamental to understanding the
marketing role within an organization. The module also examine the structural frame and
demonstrate an understanding of the complexity of the marketing management system,
including how such aspects impact the effectiveness of the organization’s go-to-market
The course enables DBA students to work within a framework in order to develop their
understanding of the marketing management function in organizations, observe current
marketing management practices and examine several key issues currently challenging
marketing managers. This is also in preparation of DBA students for the Literature
Review in their Research Thesis.
Participants are required to take an active part in the discussions and to demonstrate their
knowledge and understanding in a variety of learning and reflective situations. Thus, it is
important that every class member listen carefully to one another and attempt to build or
constructively critique prior comments.
The course will be taught with a variety of teaching and learning activities. Participants
will be assigned into groups to facilitate and enhance interactive and participatory
learning. Through directed readings and case studies, participants will further develop
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their critical appreciation of the many issues affecting managers and leaders within their
Ultimately, the goal of this course is to improve strategic marketing management
capabilities through the understanding and use of various marketing management
methodologies, techniques and through active discussions and debates with their peers.
This course is designed to encourage a deep approach to learning with an emphasis on
collaborative thinking and learning through the use of working teams and real world
problem solving rather than finding the right answer. The module will specifically
exploit and explore the issues that arise. All participants are advised to read as widely as
Course Objectives
The aim of this module is to review the current practices in strategic marketing
management specifically to:1. The understanding and application of the principles and practice of strategic
marketing management, with the ability to analyze, solve problems and undertake
effective marketing decision-making.
2. The understanding and critical awareness of the principles, theories and practice
of business marketing.
3. Allow managers to undertake a critical appraisal of marketing models, systems,
strategies and processes, and develop the ability to analyze, solve problems and
undertake effective decision making in the context of practical strategic marketing
4. Develop an understanding of the concepts, methods, policies and practices
relevant to the management of markets and operations, and an ability to analyze,
solve problems and undertake effective decision making in strategic marketing
5. Foster the ability to analyze, critically appraise and solve business-to-business
marketing problems, within the resource capability of an organization.
Kotler, Philip R., Keller, Kevin Lane Marketing Management 15th Edition, Global
Edition, Pearson, 2016
Suggested Readings
1. Bahnan, Nisreen N. (2014), Annual Editions: Marketing, 36th Edition, ISBN13 9780073528762, McGraw Hill
2. Hunt, Shane and John E Mello, (2014), Marketing, 1st Edition, ISBN13 9781259197123, McGraw Hill
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3. Keegan, Warren J. (2014), Global Marketing Management, 8/E ISBN-13:
9780136157397, Prentice Hall
4. Kerin, Roger, Robert Peterson (2013) Strategic Marketing Problems, 13/E, ISBN-13:
9780132747257, Prentice Hall
5. Mullins, John and Orville C Walker, (2013), Marketing Management: A Strategic
Decision-Making Approach, 8th Edition, ISBN-13 9780078028793, McGraw Hill
6. Peter, J. Paul and James H Donnelly, Jr., (2013), Marketing Management,
11th Edition, ISBN-13 9780077861056, McGraw Hill
7. Caywood, Clarke L. (2012), the Handbook of Strategic Public Relations and
Integrated Marketing Communications 2/E, 2nd Edition, ISBN-13 9780071767460,
McGraw Hill
8. Winer, Russ, Ravi Dhar, (2011) Marketing Management, 4/E ISBN-13:
9780136074892, New Jersey: Prentice Hall
9. Kotler, P. and Keller, K.L., (2007). Marketing Management. New Jersey: Prentice
10. Mc Donald, M., (2007). Marketing Plans How to prepare them, how to use them.
Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann
11. Hutt, M.D. and Speh, T.W., (2007). Business Marketing Management: B2B. CA:
Thomson South-Western.
12. Donaldson, B. (2007). Sales Management: Principles, Process and Practice, Palgrave
13. Jobber, D., (2007). Principles and Practice of Marketing. London: McGraw-Hill.
14. Doyle, P. and Stern, P., (2006). Marketing Management and Strategy. Harlow:
Financial Times Prentice Hall.
15. Harrington and Tjan, (March 2008). Transforming Strategy One Customer at a Time,
Harvard Business Review,
16. Slater, S.F. and Narver, J.C. (2007). Market orientation, customer value, and superior
performance. Business Horizons, (March-April), 22-28.
17. Macdonald, S. (2007). Too close for comfort? The strategic implications of getting
close to the customer. California Management Review, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 8-27.
18. Berthon, P., Hulbert, J.M., and Pitt, L.F. (2007). To serve or create? Strategic
orientations toward customers and innovation. California Management Review, Vol.
42, No. 1. 37-58.
19. Reinzartz, W. and Kumar, V. (2006). The mismanagement of customer loyalty.
Harvard Business Review, (July), 86-94.
20. Brown, S. (2006). Torment your customers (they’ll love it). Harvard Business
Review, (October), 83-88.
21. Kumar, N., Scheer, L. and Kotler, P. (2006). From market driven to market driving.
European Management Journal, Vol. 18, No. 2, 129-142.
22. Slater, S.F. and Olson, E.M. (2005). A fresh look at industry and market analysis.
Business Horizons, Vol. 45, No. 1, 15-22.
23. Dibb, S. and Simkin, L. (2005). Market segmentation: diagnosing and treating the
barriers. Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 30, 609-625.
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24. Hoek, J., Gendall, P.J. and Esslemont, D.H.B. (2005). Market segmentation. AsiaAustralia Marketing Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, 41-46.
25. Keller, K.L., Sternthal, B. and Tybout, A. (2005). Three questions you need to ask
about your brand. Harvard Business Review (September), 80-86.
Other additional information
Marketing Management Journals, Related Magazines, Internet Sites, Newspapers,
Videos, Other Related web-sites.
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Strategic Marketing Management Audit (60%)
On an individual basis, candidates will be required to examine an aspect of the Strategic
Marketing Management strategy either in their own organization or one that they have
access to. The objective of the project is to critically examine the company’s present
approach and to develop a set of recommendations for improvement in the context of
Advanced Practices in Strategic Marketing Management.
In order to develop the skills for the Strategic Marketing Management course you are
requested to conduct an audit of the marketing activities in your company or in a
company that you have easy access to. Your task is to evaluate the effectiveness of your
company’s strategic marketing activities. An evaluation of the activities implies a critical
analysis of why the activities are carried out appropriately or inappropriately at the
moment. You should finish with a recommendation on how to improve each of the areas
that you have identified as weak. When appropriate you should employ some
conceptual/theoretical and empirical framework to support your arguments/suggestions.
These audits will comprise the following areas:
1. Assess the suitability of the following:

the products (4 Ps, portfolio, product mix and branding strategy),
generic strategy, market segmentation and pricing tactic,
the 4As (Acceptability, Affordability, Accessibility and Awareness),
distribution (appropriateness of marketing strategy, selection and compensation of
sales force, if applicable),
– communication (advertising, promotion, etc.).
2. Analyze the suitability of the company to the market situation, conduct a competitive
analysis, develop insights concerning the market and market behavior.
3. Assess the suitability of the firm to adapt to the three key forces (Technology,
Globalization and Social Responsibility) driving the new marketing realities, business
practices and protocol.
4. Evaluate the responsiveness of the firm to the changing demands of the trends and
forces (for example, Social Responsibility, New Consumer Capabilities, Internet
Technology and Social Cultural shifts)
4. Evaluate the effectiveness of the firm’s marketing activities.
The audit must go beyond a mere description of what the company does at the moment in
relation to its strategic marketing functions. You must analyze, and draw implications
and conclusions.
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The aims of the project are to enable students to:
• Apply the concepts and tools of Strategic Marketing Management to an
organizational setting
• Develop skills in synthesising the information and analysis of the various
components of Strategic Marketing Management
• Adopt a “systems” approach to problem solving
• Develop creativity in formulating strategies and critical thinking in insights to
implementation issues
The length of the project paper is 5,000 words excluding appendices and attachments.
Marks will be deducted for exceeding the word limit unreasonably.
Another very important opportunity lies in the coordinated use of that diversity as you
develop your Project material. All organisations, whether they are in the private, public or
not-for-profit sectors, need to be responsive to the changing demands of the trends and
forces that might affect marketing. You must take responsibility for defining and
managing a project that will satisfy your own personal or professional needs.
Students are not required to seek formal approval for their chosen topic. Students are
strongly encouraged to commence planning the project assignment as soon as possible.
Should a student feel uncertain of his/her proposed project, contact should be made with
the lecturer as early as possible to seek clarification.
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Format of the Coursework Assignment
The report should cover the following:
(150 words)
(500 words)
In detail
(4,500 words)
1. Your intended learning objectives from the project in the context of
Strategic Marketing Management
2. This should be a complete summary of your report in 1-2 pages that
can be read as a stand-alone summary. Write it last, but put it first!
3. An introduction covering the chosen business/industry and
4. Detailed analysis of the Strategic Marketing Management Audit.
(Topics to cover have already been identified above in the outline of
the project). Include theory or relevant literature whenever you need
to support a point
5. Recommendations and their rationale
6. Implementation issues to be considered
7. Conclusion
Organizational information referred to in body of report.
Assessment tools used to make strategic assessments or assist with
strategic choice.
University standard in referencing, i.e. Harvard Referencing Style is
Assessment Criteria for Coursework Assignment
Clear statement of the purpose of the project assignment, the strategic marketing
management issues and their significance:
Is the assignment focused? Does the assignment contribute to a better
understanding of Strategic Marketing Management and lead to recommendations?
Review of the relevant marketing theory and literature outlining its
Does the candidate demonstrate a clear understanding of the concepts and tools of
Strategic Marketing Management?
Analysis and application to the organization including the outline of the
recommendations, their rationale, and consideration of implementation
Can the candidate demonstrate the application of relevant concepts and tools to
focus on critical issues? Are the observations and conclusions based on sound
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The Project Report should be written and organized with:
• Good Language and grammar
• Clear and convincing presentation
• Correct and appropriate use of footnotes and references
Citation and Reference Style
All Assignments submitted by Students must follow the Harvard Referencing Style
( for references to other publications
and carefully checked for completeness, accuracy and consistency. This is very important
in an electronic environment because it enables your readers to exploit the Reference
Linking facility on the database and link back to the works you have cited through
Example: You should cite publications in the text: (Adams, 2006) using the first named
author’s name or (Adams and Brown, 2006) citing both names of two, or (Adams et al.,
2006), when there are three or more authors. At the end of the paper a reference list in
alphabetical order should be supplied.
Plagiarism is not tolerated. The similarity index should be less than or equal to 15%.
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