SOLUTION: CUCN Art Production and The Inspiration Piece Reflection

SOLUTION: CUCN Art Production and The Inspiration Piece Reflection.

George Washington University Nok Art as Africa Greatest Art Research Paper

Greatest Works of African Art PresentationAssignment: Each student will give a Power Point Presentation on a sculpture orsculptural group he or she believes should be regarded and included in the Greatest Worksof African Art, c. 28,000 BC to 2020 AD. The work may be any sculpture or groupof sculptures from a distinct cultural group found in one of the texts. The sculpture orrepresentative group (from 7 to 12 works) is selected for its beauty and fulfillment of thepractical and spiritual/cultural function. In presenting your case, ethnic, technological, political,religious and social influences may support your selection, and you may also use images,youtube videos etc. from the internet you feel are illuminating. Greatest Works of African Artis a minimum of 7 images and no more than 12 in power point, a minimum of 5 minutes long,Writing is 7 pages of writing, images not included in these 7 pages. August 12. Note: it isstrongly recommended each student present by taking a section of the presentation.Greatest African Work Power Point Presentation with (notes speaker) you can write it in the PowerPoint I will separate them …I. Slides 1-2. Image of work and blurb, or primary identificationII. Slides 2-4/5 Images of important historical or cultural background,showing the Practical Function or the Spiritual/Cultural Function of theWork(s) you choose as understanding the story of this work. Include theWeltauchuung, if pertinent.III. Slides 4-6 Images of the work in situ, if possible, and an analysis of the dominantArtistic elements.IV. Slides 6-10, Images of the legacy of the work, showing works similar thatInfluenced works of other African cultural groups and/or Western artisticTraditions.V. Slides 10-12, Wrap up. Make your strongest case why your choice isThe Greatest Work of African Art. This should include historical, cultural,Aesthetic reasons as well as how you perceive the work is showing itsinfluence in 2020. At the end, ask for questions.The Greatest Written Submission follows I through V above.Note: Power Point is a Visual Format, only blurbs should be the writing onYou can find the text hereAfrican Art in Cultural Perspective: An Introduction by William Bascom, NY: Norton, 1973. Art and Architecture of Africa are more clarification we have to follow them 1. Make a choice from either text. It can be a Nok sculpture, which you have already donea very fine job with. One image in your presentation is from the text.2, As you build your presentation, with more slides, you can choose works from the Nokyou find online. You may choose a work which, to you, illustrates its sculptural beauty. Soyou would write and talk about the artistic elements which you believe are beautiful–form, negative space, etc. 3. To support your point of view, maybe you choose another example of Nok, online, so you can talk about its historical importance. (The Nok is historically important!!)As an historical comparison, perhaps you would find a work that is from the samearea but not as old. Or perhaps you would talk about what art historical critical reviews–art critics who are western or not–say about Nok. 4, So, with the above, you are talking about artistic reasons, then historical reasons, then critical reasons. The next part could be the influence Nok has had. Here, for the legacy, see what inspiration you can find in contemporary works, Africanor Western, or African-American, which show some of the elements but not all.Maybe here you can include a youtube or online video that you like.5. The wrap-up, or the summary, are your last slides, and your “final reasoning.”This is the main idea you want your listeners to get. It can be 5-10 sentencesin writing and in speaking.

SOLUTION: CUCN Art Production and The Inspiration Piece Reflection

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