SOLUTION: UoM Week 7 Capital Budgeting and Financial Analysis Discussion

SOLUTION: UoM Week 7 Capital Budgeting and Financial Analysis Discussion.

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Capital Budgeting and Financial Analysis
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Discussion on Capital Budgeting and Financial Analysis
Michelon, P. D., Lunkes, R. J., & Bornia, A. C. (2021). Use of capital budgeting practices: An
integrative review. Enfoque: Reflexão Contábil, 40(3), 139-157.
The article shows how capital budgeting plays a vital role in financial management in any
organization. The article uses a conceptual approach and integrative literature to research capital
budgeting practices and their influence on organizations.
Periu, M. (2019, June 25). 5 key elements of financial analysis of a business. Business Class:
Trends and Insights | American Express.
The article by Periu about financial analysis explains what financial analysis is and explores
the various key financial areas that are essential in conducting a proper financial analysis of a
business. The author of the article is a CEO of a company; hence the information provided is
general and may be helpful for educational purposes.
Based on the first article I reviewed on capital learning, I have learned that capital budgeting
plays a crucial role in organizations regarding financial management, which helps make good
financial decisions. Apart from being critical to the success or failure of any organization, capital

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