SOLUTION: TCC ASL Investigation Discovery & Through Deaf Eyes Film Questions

SOLUTION: TCC ASL Investigation Discovery & Through Deaf Eyes Film Questions.

Please view explanation and answer below.
Please view explanation and answer below.

Running Head: PART 1

Part 1


Part 1
1. What I think of the film

The film is effective in explaining the challenges, needs, capabilities of the deaf
community. The film also helps people reflect on the deaf life and realize how it differs from the
hearing life. For instance, deaf people use Sign Language while hearing people use speech to
2. What stood out for me
Deaf people need speech despite their inability to talk. I realized that hearing people deny
deaf people speech by failing to teach them to speak. It was interesting to know that speaking is
crucial for deaf people. I found the need for speech unique to deaf people because most hearing
people consider speech meaningless for deaf people.
3. What I learned about deaf culture, community, and history.
I learned that the deaf community relies on sign language for communication. Oral
communication was becoming popular in the deaf community, but it was forbidden. American
deaf culture has been in existence for hundreds of years, and its members have significant
educational, family life, and work experiences.
4. Whether the film reinforced something, I already knew about the de…

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