SOLUTION: Ohio University Sociology Humanness and Socialization Discussion
SOLUTION: Ohio University Sociology Humanness and Socialization Discussion.
Humanness and Socialization
Question 1
1 a. Synapse overproduction
• Synapse overproduction corresponds with fast stabilization, and it occurs when there is
more synapse in the neuron than what is at the stabilization.
• In a human being brain, synopses growth happens a few months after birth and
accelerates to the age of 20s—the higher the production of synopses
b. Agents of Socialization
• Agent of socialization are the groups, institutions, and individuals that provide
socialization platforms to the members of the society.
• In socialization, a family can be referred to as the cradle of the social qualities.
• Another agent of socialization is the school which also applies different techniques in the
equipping kids with different skills and education.
• Peer is another socialization agent that promotes the children social characters.
c. Subculture
• Subculture is defined as a group of people that are within a culture who possess different
• I personally find myself being attracted to bodybuilding subculture.
Q2. Behavioral Perspectives on Socialization
2 a. Operant Conditioning
• Operant conditioning is a type of learning that makes a person change how they behave
following the consequences and results from that behavior.
• So, since that day, I have always made sure that my presentation is unique and are
presented in a clean way.
Observation learning
• Observational learning is defined as the procedure of learning through which one
observes from other people’s behaviors
• The reality dawn on me that it was really a big offence when my course mate was
suspended for a few months
b. Schedules of reinforcement
• Schedules of reinforcement are specific rules that are used to offer or eliminate
reinforcers in regards to particular operant behavior.
• Through reading the materials and completing them, they will have improved their
reading skills.
c. behavioral perspective account for the development of conscience
• Conscience is defined as the sense inside an individual that determines the right and
wrong in their conduct,
• Further, the theory is focused on measurable and observable behavioral study.
Cognitive Perspectives on Socialization
3 a. Cognitive theories
Cognitive theory is a psychological approach that tries to explain the behaviors of human
beings by simply understanding their processes of thoughts.
Developmental stages theories are models that categorize child development into
different and distinct phases that are influenced
b. Erikson’s crises in the development of a healthy personality
• From child to adulthood, Erikson stated that personality advances in a predetermined
order in eight psychological stages.
• The stages of personality, according to Erikson, are listed below.
Trust versus Mistrust
• This is the first stage in Erik’s theory, and it begins once a kid is born up to 18months.
Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt
• In his second personality stage that occurs between the age of 18 months and three years
• In contrast, those who lack support will lack self-esteem hence become more dependent
and eventually have low survival ability.
Intuitive Versus Guilt
• Intuitive versus guilt is the third stage of Erik’s psychological theory of development.
• They explore their interpersonal skills more in every opportunity they get.
Industry Versus Inferiority
• The fourth stage of Erik’s theory is the industry versus inferiority that children experience
between the age of five years and twelve years.
• They become more competent contrary to when they are discouraged, which leads to the
feeling of being inferior.
Identity versus Role Confusion
• Between the age of 12 to18 years in a child development forms the fifth stage of Erik’s
• Some teens may fail to establish and find their identities which lead to role confusion.
Intimacy versus Isolation
• The six-stage of Erik Erikson’s theory is intimacy versus isolation which take place
between adults aged 18 to 40 years of age where love intimacy takes center stage
• Personally, this is the stage I am but still yet to complete it and enjoy the happiness of the
Generativity Versus Stagnation
• The seventh stage of Erik’s theory of development occurs during the middle adulthood of
people between the age of 40 and 65 years in which people indulge themselves
• People who succeed in this stage develop a feeling of worth and accomplishment, while
those who do not achieve become stagnant.
Ego Integrity versus Despair
• This is the final stage of Erik’s theory, and it starts at the age of 65 years till death
• Those who feel that they did not achieve their goals become dissatisfied with life hence
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SOLUTION: Ohio University Sociology Humanness and Socialization Discussion