SOLUTION: Montclair State University Statistics and Probability Class Paper

SOLUTION: Montclair State University Statistics and Probability Class Paper.

Department of Motor Vehicle process, Statistic Problem help

You need to get a driver’s license.
There is a clerk A, a clerk B, a clerk C, a clerk D, and a clerk E. Assuming
that the work each clerk does is value adding, answer these two questions.
Calculate the amount of time in the
process that is value adding and the amount that is wait time.
What is the bottleneck?
Department of Motor Vehicle process:
a.  Check
in, clerk A puts your name into the computer. Clerk A takes 1 minute to check
you in and give you a number.
b.  You
go sit in a waiting room for 30 minutes.
c.  When
your number is called, you go to clerk B’s window, show your old license and
proof of residence, and pay for the license. Clerk B takes 10 minutes to
process your information and credit card and give you a new number.
d.  You
go sit in a waiting room for 90 minutes.
e.  When
your number is called, you go to a room to get a photo made, Clerk C takes 5
minutes to take your photo, load it into the computer system and give you a new
f.  You
go sit in a waiting room for 15 minutes. While you are waiting, clerk D prints
and laminates your license, this takes her 15 minutes per license. She hands it
to clerk E who calls you immediately.
g.  When
your number is called, you go to a window and get your license from clerk E. It
takes 1 minute for you to sign the forms and get a receipt.
Your area giftwraps toys. You have 6
# workers
1 min
Puts toy into a box
3 min
Wrap box in gift paper
2 min
Add a ribbon to each box, stack boxes
on a cart, 60 boxes/cart
45 min
Takes carts to warehouse, unloads,
is the bottleneck?
There is no bottleneck
Bottleneck is station 1
Bottleneck is station 2
Bottleneck is station 3
Bottleneck is station 4

SOLUTION: Montclair State University Statistics and Probability Class Paper

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