SOLUTION: Dynamic Topography Change of the Eastern US Presentation
SOLUTION: Dynamic Topography Change of the Eastern US Presentation.
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• Mantle flow is known to push the earth’s surface up or drag it down leading
to great topographic anomalies that can even be over kilometers in scale
(Austermann & Forte, 2019).
• This is referred to as dynamic topography.
• As it evolves, this dynamic topography can influence sea levels as well as
impact the sensitivity of ice sheets to climate change.
• Changes in dynamic topography can be determined through the use of
geological and geomorphological data.
Introduction CTD.
• The Atlantic coastal plain of Northern United States is thought to possess a passive margin and
is hence interpreted as being characterized with simple stratigraphic histories due to the
interaction of thermally driven subsidence, changes in sea levels, compaction and sediment
• This margin is assumed to cover a mantle that is entirely passive.
• These assumptions inform the rationale of the East Coast of the United States being used in
determining global long term variations in sea levels.
• The mantle, however, is not passive and mantle flow impacts surface topography through
perturbations of the dynamic topography with spatial and temporal variations.
• This makes it difficult to invert the global long term sea level signal and consequently the size of
the Antarctic ice sheet using the data fro…
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SOLUTION: Dynamic Topography Change of the Eastern US Presentation