SOLUTION: Thoughtful Comments for Studio Era Film Reading Italian Neorealism Discussion

SOLUTION: Thoughtful Comments for Studio Era Film Reading Italian Neorealism Discussion.

CSM Internet Development Questions

Reading Questionnaire #1 “Rethinking Internet History,” James Curran (2012) & “Social Imaginaries of the Internet in China,” Haiqing Yu (2014) Please respond to the following prompts in full sentences. Each response should be around 100 words. When possible, make specific references to the original text and/or incorporate short, relevant quotes. There is no right answer to these prompts; they are designed to help you think about our readings and spark your own ideas. 1. What are three historical moments that James Curran discusses in “Rethinking Internet History” that were particularly important to the development of the internet? There are more than 3 possible answers; pick moments that you didn’t know about before or that surprised you. [Place your response here] 2. Curran talks about both military and counter-cultural forces that helped shape the internet. Pick one of these two and summarize Curran’s points about how either the military or counterculture played an important role in internet history. [Place your response here] 3. Curran discusses the importance of user-generated content, contributed to sites like Wikipedia, as central to how users express themselves online. Name another example of a website or social media platforms where users share content. What makes it important in internet culture today? [Place your response here] 4. Yu describes various “social imaginaries” about the internet in China. After reading this article, do you think that the internet is imagined the same way in the US? Or in another country where you have lived? What other possible internet “imaginaries” can you think of? [Place your response here]

SOLUTION: Thoughtful Comments for Studio Era Film Reading Italian Neorealism Discussion

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