SOLUTION: School of Visual Arts Graphic Design Work Art Essay

SOLUTION: School of Visual Arts Graphic Design Work Art Essay.


Choose (1) historical commercial work of graphic design that was published between c. 1760–1990; a poster, book, dust jacket, magazine, postcard, stamp, brochure/booklet, page layout, logo, printed ephemera (Links to an external site.), digital, symbol, etc. (NO fine art). The work you choose must have been left out of our course curriculum and it should not be a work from a designer we discussed in-depth; one that questions the typical narrative or iconic works by well-known designers which we have discussed in the classroom. Do not choose a designer or specific work from any of our past lectures posted or resources (links) posted on Canvas. If you are not sure, please ask me in advance.

Why and how does the graphic design work you’ve chosen challenge the established canon of graphic design history. For example: you could (not required) choose a work from a BIPOC, Latinx, LGBTQIA+ designer or an anonymous designer or from one of these continents/countries: South America, Latin America, Caribbean, Africa, Asia, South Asia, Oceania, Japan, India, Russia and/or Middle Eastern (or Arab League) countries. If i’ve missed a continent/country that you’d like to propose please email me for approval.

Prepare a visual timeline to coincide with your text; (for examples, try searching “timeline examples” on Google). Your timeline should represent a series of key chronological events and/or activities that you feel are important to display; milestones that give context to your essay (i.e. designers, works published, technological innovations, movements, major or minor events, etc.) These events should include dates and images to mark their occurrence. I suggest sticking to a date range that centers around your work; although you can choose an alternative date range to highlight other milestones that reinforce your ideas. Your timeline should include a brief text introducing or summarizing your timeline. there is no requirement re: the number of milestones/images you want to include. the timeline can be vertical or horizontal (or other) format; you choose how you want it to be communicated.

Explain why this work is important and its’ impact on graphic design history (i.e. its social, technical and/or aesthetic qualities). Your text should be written thoughtfully, clearly and succinctly; spelling counts. Upload your final assignment to Canvas as a PDF: it should include your essay, accompanying image(s) and your timelines; it could be two individual files. Questions that may be answered/explored:

Include the name of item, the date it was produced and where it was designed (i.e. provide some general history about the work).

What is the object? (i.e. poster, book, advertisement, series of periodicals/journals, etc.)

What was its purpose and/or what was it used for? What did it communicate?

Think about the historic context: i.e. the information about the period, the place, and the events that created, influenced, or formed the backdrop to the historic.

Who designed it? (give designer birth and death dates and nationality); Paul Rand (1914–1996)

If applicable, include very BRIEF information about the designer.

  • Do not write a designer biography and do not take your text from Wikipedia.
  • How was it produced/made? What is the technology (tools and materials) being used?
  • Does it belong to a specific style or movement?
  • Describe its’ visual qualities (i.e. grid, composition, typeface, color palette, size, forms, etc.). Think about why it looks the way it does.
  • Can you identify any past influences on the design style (think historically)?
  • Why is this work an important piece of graphic design? How/what did it contribute to the movement?
  • What was the cultural or social environment it was designed within? Who was it designed for?
  • If applicable, communicate any emotional and symbolic qualities.
  • What did the design communicate? Do you think it was successful? (this may be difficult to determine; subjective)
  • Does the work directly/indirectly relate to current themes or issues?

SOLUTION: School of Visual Arts Graphic Design Work Art Essay

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