SOLUTION: Florida International University Commencement Speech Essay

SOLUTION: Florida International University Commencement Speech Essay.

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Commencement Speech
All protocols observed, good morning, ladies and gentlemen. We have gathered here today to
celebrate our candidates who have finally graduated after sacrificing for four years in this
college and attaining a degree or a diploma in the field of business. Congratulations on such
an achievement. We celebrate you today.
For some of us here, Graduating will mean getting out of school and getting to start your own
independent life. Many of us have been bothering our parents and formulating various cheeky
excuses to get money from our parents. Now it is actually our time to look for that money we
have been asking for. We appreciate our parents for the excellent work they have done so far
‘’clap for them’’.
Today I am here to talk to our business graduates. First of all, let me point out that you chose
the right course that is well applicable to the job market. Ten years ago, I was in college just
like you and also did a business-related course but later on, joined FIU university in Miami to
further my studies. It is a big public university that has mostly specialized in Business,
Medicine, and Architecture.

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